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published in(发表于) 2016/6/27 9:17:27 Edit(编辑)
Falling over 24 kilometers per hour: the tunnel slide show in the world,

Falling over 24 kilometers per hour: the tunnel slide show in the world,(下滑时速超24公里:世界最长隧道滑梯亮相,)



Falling over 24 kilometers per hour: the world most tunnel slide show-slides-IT information

IT information news on June 27, United Kingdom Government for the 2012 London Olympic Games the Olympic towers "ArcelorMittal orbit Tower" (ArcelorMittal Orbit) has been converted into a tunnel slide, it's almost 200 meters long, 80 meters high, is the world's highest and longest slide.

It is reported that the slide has been opened to the public on June 23, visitors can experience up to 40 seconds of ultimate stimulus in the pipeline, declined more than 24 kilometers per hour. The slide with "ArcelorMittal orbit Tower" of metal frames, transparent panel you can let people watch the outside view.

Slide an adult ticket for £ 15 (about 133), children £ 10, you dare to challenge it?

下滑时速超24公里:世界最长隧道滑梯亮相 - 滑梯 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月27日消息,英国政府为2012年伦敦奥运会建造的奥运塔“安赛乐米塔尔轨道塔”(ArcelorMittal Orbit)日前被改造成隧道滑梯,它长近200米,高达80米,是世界上最高、最长的滑梯。



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