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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/26 7:53:22 Edit(编辑)
Google 2014 Conference two of the protesters,

Google 2014 Conference two of the protesters,

I/O 2014 Conference two of the protesters broke into the Google-Google IO2014, Google's Developer Conference, anti-Google, Google-IT news Broken into two protesters in Google I/O 2014 Conference

Beijing News the morning of June 26, this year's Google I/O Developer Conference in San Francisco's Moscone Center starting Wednesday. However, the keynote speech was interrupted by protesters twice.

Jieke·haerpulin first protesters targeted Google and lawyers (Jack Halprin). The unidentified woman, said Halprin will include more people, she from San Francisco Mission District apartment, drove them off. This apartment for all Halprin.

Said the protesters shouted: "Google, you need to have a clear conscience (You need to develop a conscience, Google)! "Is introducing the new version of Android Runtime performance improvement. The protesters claims, Halprin was chased off to breastfeeding mothers.

? A protester shouting at the Google I/O Conference: "You need to develop a conscience, Google! ”

According to the local San Francisco blog Mission of the Local, said the protesters could be a child's mother that she and 6 other people residing in Harvey in the spring all the apartment buildings. In February this year, they received a deadline to vacate notice.

Although Burke tried to ignore the protests, but he has finally stopped talking, until the site security brought the protesters from the Chamber. Resuming after the speech, he said, run the new version of the Android Runtime Android l has better battery life, "even during the protest" will continue to adhere to.

Another of the protesters occurred after 1 hour. When Google is playing a video, showing the company has taken a series of measures to help children to learn programming and application development. A more than 20-year old man appeared and told the crowd declared that "Google building a murderous totalitarian machine."

Was Google's cloud computing platform team member geleige·demiqili (Greg DeMichillie) responded by saying: "I know this is a peace of applications. ”

A Google spokesman said the two protesters were taken away after the meeting to calm down, and had not been apprehended.

More recently, between tech and non-tech people, culture conflicts are becoming more intense, especially at large technology companies around the Bay area of California. As Silicon Valley companies and their employees is gradually migrating to San Francisco, some of the city's residents are dissatisfied. This brought discontent to protest, while protesters are even targeting the employees of Google, Facebook and other tech company commuter buses.

United States tech blog Re/code reported that some community activists in San Francisco, as well as the Service Employees International Union, warned their protest will be held at the Google I/O Conference. It is not clear, whether they are related to both protest.

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