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published in(发表于) 2016/6/26 5:49:52 Edit(编辑)
Free graffiti user outrage: United States woman fined for banning the entry into all national parks,

Free graffiti user outrage: United States woman fined for banning the entry into all national parks,(随意涂鸦引网友众怒:美国女子被罚禁入所有国家公园,)



Free graffiti user outrage: United States woman was sent into all National Park-travel-ban, uncivil behaviour-IT information

IT news , June 26, in the scenic left "a visit to this" is a kind of uncivilized behavior, was an illegal thing, recent United States 23 years old woman tasted the hardship.

It is reported that the United States 23 years old woman in hiking, Kaixi·nuoji, acrylic paints and surface of the marker stones in the park free graffiti, damage the rock surface to 7 national parks.

Not only that, but the women also post your graffiti photos on Instagram, which caused all the netizens ' anger, strongly condemns the uncivil behavior of the woman. After she was arrested and was sentenced in United States in all national parks and federally administered areas (over United States territory 20%). In addition, she has to carry out 200 hours of community service and fines determined in December this year the trial time.

随意涂鸦引网友众怒:美国女子被罚禁入所有国家公园 - 旅游,不文明行为 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月26日消息,在风景名胜留下“到此一游”既是一种不文明的行为,也是一件违法的事情,近日美国23岁女子就因此尝到了苦头。



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