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published in(发表于) 2016/6/26 5:49:49 Edit(编辑)
Dong mingzhu of feelings: the world’s first green fashion secret of life

Dong mingzhu of feelings: the world’s first green fashion secret of life (photo)(董明珠的情怀:全球首家格力时尚生活馆揭秘(多图),)



Dong mingzhu of feelings: the world's first green fashion secret of life (photo)-gree, Dong-IT information

IT news as one of the most network of fire red, Dong and his "endorsement" gree mobile 21 after release they will get a lot of attention, according to previous evaluation showed that gree Mobile 2 though, there are still some parts, but gree phone 2 still has great room for improvement.

Except gree phone zhiwai, in zhiqian opened of global first gree fashion life Museum also attract has many "Tung powder" of concern, reportedly this cost do of gree life Fashion Museum light construction on lasted two years, whole site has 1500 square meters, and Apple Apple Store similar of is, you can in this pavilion within see many of gree home electrical products, in addition, gree fashion life Museum among you also can frequently see gree head "Tung Miss", For understanding the history of gree is also a very important visit.

Today, Phoenix Technologies to bring you the world's first green fashion life of internal plans, we can see from the picture of gree electric appliances product passed away.

? Museum visitors experience layout view, into the culture, experience and exhibit three major functional areas, provide consumers with "one sales consultant" can have a "one-stop shopping"

Hong gree air conditioning, ceramic fridge, large household appliances and other strong lineup of luxury products

董明珠的情怀:全球首家格力时尚生活馆揭秘(多图) - 格力,董明珠 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 作为目前最为火的网红之一,董明珠和其“代言”的格力手机2一经发布便获得了不少的关注度,根据之前的评测显示,格力手机2虽然在某些部分仍然存在不足,但是格力手机2仍然有较大的进步空间。

除了格力手机之外,在之前开设的全球首家格力时尚生活馆也吸引了不少“董粉”的关注,据悉这家耗资千万的格力生活时尚馆光建设就历时两年,整个场地有1500平方米,与苹果Apple Store相似的是,你可以在这家展馆之内看到不少的格力自家电器产品,除此之外,格力时尚生活馆当中你也能频繁见到格力掌门人“董小姐”,对于了解格力的发展历史也是非常重要的参观地。




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