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published in(发表于) 2016/6/25 12:01:14 Edit(编辑)
United Kingdom out of the EU, Bill Gates, Jack Ma and Wang, who was bleeding,

United Kingdom out of the EU, Bill Gates, Jack Ma and Wang, who was bleeding,(英国脱离欧盟,比尔·盖茨、马云、王健林等人被大放血,)



United Kingdom out of the EU, Bill Gates, Jack Ma and Wang, who were bleeding-United Kingdom, the EU, the United Kingdom out of the EU-IT information

On June 25, United Kingdom 24th referendum out of the EU, to cast a global financial shock bombs, stocks closed down in Europe and Asia, has led to the world's top 400 richest assets lost $ 127.4 billion in one day.

According to the Bloomberg report, global stock markets in the United Kingdom outside the EU referendum results came out a dizzying billionaire index (Bloomberg BillionairesIndex), ranked in the top 400 richest NAV, 24th in total loss $ 127.4 billion, total net assets of about 400 people lost 3.2%, $ 3.9 trillion.

Data show that the greatest loss is Europe's richest man, aodijia, lost more than $ 6 billion, and 9 losses over $ 1 billion, including Bill Gates ' $ 2.4 billion, and Buffett's US $ 2.3 billion and $ 1.1 billion of the Li Ka-shing.

In China, MA and Wang wealth evaporating $ 490 million and $ 480 million, respectively, pony lost $ 280 million.

英国脱离欧盟,比尔·盖茨马云、王健林等人被大放血 - 英国,欧盟,英国脱离欧盟 - IT资讯


据《彭博社》报导,全球股市在英国脱离欧盟公投结果出来后一阵晕眩,在亿万富翁指数(Bloomberg BillionairesIndex)中,名列前400大富豪资产净值,24日一天总共折损1274亿美元,400人总资产净值约缩水3.2%,成为3.9兆美元。



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