About money like crazy?
Meet that condition, app group could exceed 100 people, app group, micro, micro-groups of over 100 people-IT news About money like crazy? Meet that condition, micro-letter groups can be over 100 people
The evening of July 4 message, Tencent announced the conditional case, allowing micro-groups of more than 100 people. Micro letter group was promoted to a large group of permissions, when group number under 100 people, group owners can continue to invite friends into the group but was invited into more than 100 micro-buddies must be a user has opened a micro-payment.
Tencent's app upgrade includes 3 adjustment of large groups of permissions:
1, the group owners can upgrade the hundred crowds. When the group number under 100 people, I continue to invite friends to join the group creator, will allow more than 100 people in the number invitations. Group maximum number of what is set by the Group of builders;
2, was invited into the Group of micro-buddy will receive a letter of invitation, agreed will join the invited crowd. Meanwhile, invite invitees will be prompted with the message app friends information in the group chat, if reference for invitees to join group chat;
3, was invited into more than 100 micro-buddies must be a user has opened a micro-payment .
According to the official app settings, number of large group after upgrade and upgrading hundreds the number of people in the past. Micro-credit default 2, opened a micro-payment sent a letter 2,Android users to participate in charity donation to send 1, that is, users of Apple's IOS has a maximum of 4 large groups of over 100 people, most Android users have 5 large groups of over 100 people. As long as the user is a group, you can upgrade to large groups of over 100 people. Group leader can facilitate the management of group chat can also avoid excessive pulling into a group result in other users disturbed by strangers. Meanwhile, was invited into the Group of users users of the micro-payment must be opened.
Information to ensure that the supergroup is not overly bothered, this time with respect to validity of the QR code adjustments, QR code scanning will expire after a certain period; and more than 100 people, will not be able to continue by scanning the QR code to invite new people to join.