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published in(发表于) 2016/6/25 12:00:38 Edit(编辑)
Chinese Web language pollution “pure“? ,

Chinese Web language pollution “pure“? ,(网络语言会污染汉语的“纯洁”?,)



Chinese Web language pollution "pure"? -Internet terms, English-IT information

Networks are increasingly popular social media development, quickly generates new words, buzzwords. Some academics, media view, pure neologism, Buzzword is not enough, we need to defend the Chinese of "purity".

Protect the purity of the Chinese language is not a new topic. Previous protection direction, is to eliminate the Chinese foreign-language acronym. A few years ago, "relevant departments" ask the NBA to say "United States Basketball League", GDP must be "gross national product". But this "purity" movement without flipping through a newspaper, open Web pages, NBA playoffs, China's GDP is second in the world.

In fact, as early as the late Qing dynasty, it was going all out to "maintain the purity of the Chinese language". He is reformer in late Qing dynasty official Zhang Zhidong. Zhang Zhi-Dong's open-mindedness, but language is a conservative. At one point, he orders aides to prepare a document, see article in the "health" the word rage: "health is the Japan term, feel hateful. "The Chief replied:" ' a noun ' Japan term, used the particular hateful. "Zhang Zhi-Dong's free to deal with, had to be dropped.

Pure language, not only is the Chinese people. During the second world war, Japan has asked the national shall not use words from the enemy. The French are proud of their language and culture, and has repeatedly launched "only in French" campaign. Putin signed a presidential decree, prohibited the use of foreign words ... ... Under the different purposes, with different reasons to launch "pure language" movement that has failed.

Visible, the purity of the language is false. Zhang Zhi-Dong when doing things, different countries and different historical periods who do things today to do, still do not. Language is a reflection of social life. Society was more open, more diverse lifestyle, language, the greater liquidity, more foreign words. Can continue to produce and absorb new vocabulary, is a manifestation of vitality, is a manifestation of social vitality.

On new language, of course, we don't need to encourage, but do not need to worry. They are Chinese evolved a natural product, not "polluted". Network continues to introduce new language, proved the vitality of the network and the vitality of contemporary Chinese society. New language may not be elegant, perhaps not very serious, perhaps overdone, not even from the vulgar, yet this is precisely its preciousness. Creation, use of the new language of the Internet users, most of them young, had a good education. Such a group, their active minds is the source of social innovation, emotion filling in their online language reflects social attitudes.

Similarly, no deliberate "refinement" Internet catchphrases. "Men and women tear" written "pedestrians stop to listen widow doubts", Ya-Ya, however, probably will criticize netizens: "Please speak! "Seems to be written in Internet language terms, play a role in oral. Oral care ya indecent, only care about if I can convey.

Elegant language, its poetry and other literature to pass. 10,000 steps back, the language has its own way, no dynamic vocabulary would be eliminated by time, reflect the heart situation would have been handed down. Therefore, the Chinese would purify themselves. Zhang Zhi-Dong's must feel during the Republic of China's language is not "pure", but perhaps a 200 years, our children will feel "human difficult spell", "you are not alone in the battle" was quaint!

网络语言会污染汉语的“纯洁”? - 网络用语,汉语 - IT资讯









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