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published in(发表于) 2016/6/24 9:39:47 Edit(编辑)
United Kingdom outside the EU with a roar, India shake shake IT three,

United Kingdom outside the EU with a roar, India shake shake IT three,(英国脱离欧盟一声吼,印度IT抖三抖,)



United Kingdom outside the EU with a roar, India three shake-shake IT out of the EU, United Kingdom, India-IT information

On June 24, in the United Kingdom after the referendum to leave the European Union, there is no doubt that this result will have historic volatility on global markets, and have many implications for global industries. For example, India's biggest technology companies may also have to deal with some hard currency collapse IT spending caused by delay and the plight of falling profits.

Market research firm Gartner researcher at company alupu·luoyi (Arup Roy), once the dust settles, like Tata Consultancy services company (Tata Consultancy Services) and Infosys (Infosys) company, India companies helped the banking system and restructuring of the new integrated European market plays an important role.

India's IT services exports reached US $ 110 billion, with the United Kingdom out of the official results of the EU referendum to be announced, India's major IT exporter have also started to assess the global market exposure United Kingdom out of the EU's influence. United Kingdom and European markets in India IT services exports as a share of 28.5% is expected in 2016 United Kingdom Europe India IT services exports will reach $ 30.7 billion.

As the pound is about to collapse, devaluation to the lowest level since 1985, there is no doubt that some companies might delay their spending on computing services, and plan the next steps.

Roy says, "free takes a lot of spending on IT will be hit hard, those highly dependent on IT services companies and they are looking for such transactions will be affected. In the long run, with the adjustment of regulatory policy, United Kingdom from the European Union may also bring opportunities and lead to more systems integration work. ”

Solve the dilemma

The people who have more financial companies such as Tata Consultancy, Infosys and fierce competitor and so on, may be from "United Kingdom out of the EU" triggered by the European Union and United Kingdom financial system and currency markets would benefit from the restructuring. The two India companies, revenues from these areas accounted for more than one-fifth of their gross income. At present, the two companies declined to United Kingdom from the European Union to comment on the results of the referendum. Infosys Chief Executive Officer weishaer·xika (Vishal Sikka) last week told shareholders that he will closely watch currency and the impact on business.

India IT Association of software and service companies Nasscom Chief Khin Draska, r (r-Chandrasekhar) currently live in London, closely United Kingdom every move of the historic referendum, he said, "because of the impact of exchange rate fluctuations, our IT exporters will face a lot of uncertainty. Future will certainly face some turbulence. Once the dust settles after the specific effects can be quantified. "In fact, the devaluation of the pound has started.

According to Nasscom assessment of United Kingdom is India's second largest overseas market of the IT industry, after the United States. United Kingdom market in India IT industry share of export revenues accounted for about 17%. India many medium and large enterprises have been in the United Kingdom market operations, but also acquisition of United Kingdom local companies in order to better serve the United Kingdom and Europe. In addition, the United Kingdom is also India important careers destination for IT business. At present, approximately more than 800 companies India enterprise in the United Kingdom market has 110,000 employees.

Today, the United Kingdom also have a two-year buffer period, to the consultation from the results of the EU referendum, and will work with the parties commenced negotiations on financial services and other services, and will start negotiating with the rest of the world on the relevant trade agreements.

Draska Chennai said that "in the long run, United Kingdom out of the EU would force United Kingdom turn to other trading partners to make up for losses in European markets. India of course should be the United Kingdom one of the preferred partners. From this point of view, the United Kingdom may be further and India for trade cooperation, is undoubtedly the India IT industry a major positive signal. ”

英国脱离欧盟一声吼,印度IT抖三抖 - 脱离欧盟,英国,印度 - IT资讯


市场研究机构Gartner公司的研究员阿鲁普·洛伊(Arup Roy)表示,一旦尘埃落定,像塔塔咨询服务公司(Tata Consultancy Services)和印孚瑟斯(Infosys)公司等在内的印度企业在帮助各银行和企业改组全新整合后的欧洲市场体系方面发挥重要的作用。





那些拥有更多金融客户的公司,例如塔塔咨询公司及其激烈竞争对手印孚瑟斯等,可能会从“英国脱离欧盟”引发的欧盟与英国金融体系和货币市场的重组工作中获益。这两家印度公司,各自从这些地区获得的收入都占到他们总收入的五分之一以上。目前,这两家公司都拒绝对英国脱离欧盟公投的结果置评。印孚瑟斯首席执行官维沙尔·西卡(Vishal Sikka)上周向股东表示,他将密切关注货币和业务可能受到的影响。

印度IT软件和服务业企业协会Nasscom的总裁R钦德拉斯卡(R Chandrasekhar)目前正身处伦敦,密切关注英国此次历史性公投的一举一动,他表示,“由于汇率浮动的影响,我们的IT出口行业必将面临大量的不确定性。未来肯定会面临一些动荡。一旦尘埃落定之后,具体的影响也将可以得到量化。”事实上,英镑早已开始贬值。




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