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published in(发表于) 2016/6/23 8:47:22 Edit(编辑)
View: China set aside for a “super computer power“ itself,

View: China set aside for a “super computer power“ itself,(观点:中国暂且不要以“超级计算机第一强国”自居,)



View: China set aside for a "super computer power" itself-super computer, supercomputer-IT information

New issue of the world's TOP500 Supercomputers list published on June 20, overnight became the world's first Super computer in China the biggest winner on the stage: using China's own chip-making "shenwei ? Bank of light" instead of "Tianhe second" top; and China's supercomputer list surpassed the total United States ranked first. In addition, China Green500 supercomputer performance rankings in the top 10 of the list, also accounted for half, including "power light ? Taihu", medium wave 1, Association dawn 3, 1.

One of the biggest surprises is "power light ? Taihu". Chinese researchers produced almost two generations behind the technology with Intel's next generation of nuclear products, also a step ahead than the latter application. Does not use Intel chips, not idle waste of computing resources criticized "power light ? Taihu" ascent is almost Chinese supercomputer on United States supercomputer a perfect counter attack.

Today, China can use: supercomputer power itself? In my opinion, not to heat. Sponsor of the TOP500 global supercomputer jieke·tangjiala said, supercomputers, to as simple and easy as possible. This is his best (Super) definition of your computer. Dongarra noted that the supercomputer industry cannot avoid the question, that is, practical.

Former Chinese "Tianhe second" climb to the top of the TOP500 era, Chinese supercomputer has been questioned like this: Chinese supercomputer is good? If excess? Ever good?

China does have weaknesses on the super computer. First of all is the lack of application software, many applications rely on commercial software, relatively few active research and development, followed by lack of super computer expertise; is the lack of effective cooperation in the super computer in China again.

Super computer equipment hardware and system are all professional people to do professional things, but their application environment is interdisciplinary. If the lack of effective cooperation, application development "hard stuff" no one wants to eat. In addition, the application environment more conducive to high performance computing users, and also large bottleneck in the development of high-performance computing.

Super computer personnel training is also an important part of building a supercomputer eco. The next 10 years, super computer technology will develop by leaps and bounds and petaflops supercomputers in the future volume may only candy bar the size of their power, stability and other technical challenges still depend on the younger generation to solve. In ordinary higher education in China, there is no "parallel computing" this profession.

After all, we need to improve the ecological environment of high performance computing, supercomputer industry healthy, sustainable development can be achieved. "Power light ? Taihu" surprise for China, and China on a selected number of "spot" it gave us confidence and courage in the supercomputer field, but has not been produced before the health of the environment, we might as well not to "super computer power" itself. Rather than practical thing to do right now, accumulation of power, waiting for ripe on that day.

观点:中国暂且不要以“超级计算机第一强国”自居 - 超级计算机,超级计算机 - IT资讯









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