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published in(发表于) 2016/6/22 8:54:06 Edit(编辑)
Tencent’s $ 8.6 billion acquisition of Supercell worth? , Also has worries behind the scenery,

Tencent’s $ 8.6 billion acquisition of Supercell worth? , Also has worries behind the scenery,(腾讯86亿美元收购Supercell值不值?,风光背后也有隐忧,)



Tencent's $ 8.6 billion acquisition of Supercell worth? Scenery also has worries behind-Supercell, Tencent games, Royal wars, tribal wars-IT information

Supercell gossip spread starting from late last year, many Chinese firms are actively involved, but in the end it is the whispering of Tencent.

Today, the company said in a statement, Finland Supercell hand Developer after consultation 84.3% stake in Tencent to form a consortium to buy Supercell, which divided into three periods, the total amount is estimated at $ 8.6 billion.

Tencent's $ 8.6 billion mean? Shanghai Disneyland cost $ 5.5 billion, 360 ultimate privatization agreement could be nearly $ 9 billion, Reagan aircraft carrier cost $ 4.5 billion, North Korea's military spending was US $ 4 billion annually. Under the deal, Supercell as a 6-year, released only four games of the tour company, has been valued at $ 10.2 billion. End of tour companies Activision value only $ 28.9 billion.

So here's the thing, buy price of Supercell,86 billion and 10.2 billion dollar valuation values? Tencent why loans to buy Supercell? Is it true that the deal is only good side?

Monthly income of $ 194 million

84.3% stake in Tencent's $ 8.6 billion acquisition of Supercell, not only set one of China's largest overseas acquisition records, is also the world's biggest tour deals.

Hand field acquisitions largest tour company, Activision Blizzard hit. November 2015 Blizzard developers of the $ 5.9 billion acquisition of the legend of candy King Digital Entertainment. King Digital Entertainment at the annual profits of $ 517 million and revenue to $ 2 billion, and the 2015 up to 474 million monthly active users.

King of Digital Entertainment as a reference, Supercell2015 annual revenue US $ 2.326 billion, net income of $ 964 million, according to the Supercell said, has now reached 100 million active users of its games. Two revenue for the full year, but the valuation difference nearly twice times, disparity lies in where?

First, because the income, but Supercell2015 year of profit is King nearly twice times of Digital Entertainment.

Second, Blizzard acquired King while Digital Entertainment, King Digital Entertainment has begun weakening. 2015 than-expected fourth-quarter earnings and profits for the year, revenues and trading volumes have declined, dropped in and 10%, and 10%. While Supercell2015 still maintain growth, revenue and profit growth of 37% and 63%, respectively.

Third, King Digital Entertainment and not to hard to replicate previous success, single, over-reliance on the legend of the candy problem. But Supercell released almost all of the four games was a huge success, especially after the tribal conflict, 2016 's new collection, again in the Royal war PA bestseller list from around the world, and the average monthly income is around $ 100 million, proved that he could continue to make global super s-class product capabilities.

Four, King Digital Entertainment has a 1400-person team. Supercell has only 190 people, lower-cost, more efficient.

Tencent hand in three game tour revenue 72%

The Royal war published in January 2016, say 2015 revenue 2.326 billion dollars, net income of $ 964 million, is actually made up of the tribal conflicts, and the island Raiders and three games created by the cartoon farm, known as the "mad money" much at all.

And port tours compared giant Activision Blizzard and Tencent hand, Supercell victory condition.

2015 Blizzard's revenue of $ 4.66 billion, net income of $ 892 million. Supercell in 2015, half of the revenue for Blizzard, but profit is more than a Blizzard. And products from the time, Supercell only 6 years, Blizzard has 25 years of history. Supercell just four games, while the Blizzard world of Warcraft, StarCraft, and Diablo series pioneer, furnace and watch games such as rock legends.

And the buyer company compared to 2015 Tencent hand income of 21.3 billion yuan, Supercell, with three games accounted for 72% of Tencent's revenue. Due in 2015, Tencent has modified the revenue rule, exclusive mobile game developer revenue share with third parties, and channel costs are recognized as revenue costs, excluding this part, this ratio is even larger.

According to the company's purchase price, Supercell is valued at $ 10.2 billion. Comparing Chinese game company typically valuations and 10.2 billion dollars is definitely not a more expensive deal.

Price/earnings ratio, according to the net profit projection of Supercell PE values is 10.6, universal PE in the international capital market for the gaming company valuations, in the normal high standards. At the international level, basic to the game company PE valuation will not be more than 10. Which is often given to 30-40 times, or even more than a hundredfold valuations.

Tencent needs Supercell in addition to games and social

Before the Tencent, said Ali and the giant Union had also once very close to the Supercell. But Tencent joined prices increasing to $ 8.6 billion, finally forced back by Ali and Giants. Tencent is also higher than the London interbank offered rate of 102 basis points lending rates to over 20 $ 4.4 billion of bank loans.

For Tencent, buy Supercell potential, not just the Supercell Tencent can bring immediate benefits, the game's development, but also about globalization and social strategies.

According to the Supercell's revenue and profits, acquisitions and table, instantly see the effect is that surging revenues, profits and cash flow.

From the layout of the games, Tencent hand overseas distribution mainly in Korea and Southeast Asia, the layout is relatively weak in Europe and America. Supercell Tencent's international expansion and international brand strategy are complementary. In hand travel market more and more towards quality and trend of severe, Supercell excellent Games team and product, Tencent innovations product line is also very significant in the future.

In addition to games, Supercell 100 million active users of its games, 250 million within the game community and global markets, may be a rare breakthrough for Tencent's social business.

Tencent's mobile QQ, app platform users in slowing domestic growth, on the other hand, micro-letter on the go, while spending was huge, but the results are not satisfactory, even compete in the Asian region can and Line, WhatsApp.

Supercell has made it clear that the future will explore the social games played with Tencent, micro-account access letter Q or hands can be expected. For the promotion of social tools, relationships are very important, and import the original user through the game, the import way more convenient than before.

Why Supercell see Tencent?

Softbank holds Supercell73.2% shares, but the rest of the shares are in the hands of Supercell management personnel and the hands of 180 employees and Supercell operates independently, the team itself has a great degree of freedom and the right to decide. So the takeover, Supercell team opinions are also very important.

Supercell CEO Ilkka Paananen the company about what they value most is the long term development. Last choice of Tencent, Tencent is Supercell can make important leaps.

"First of all, according to the agreement, after the acquisition is completed, Supercell will still operate independently, remain small and independent of team culture. China is the world's largest number of players of the game. Tencent's platform over the user of more than 1 billion people, separate non-repeating more than 300 million users, but also by Tencent's social networking platform, exploring more social game. "

Ilkka Paananen Martin LAU, Tencent's passion for games, and Tencent company previously has acquired his fists (Riot Games) experience Supercell value.

4th is Tencent Supercell can continue to maintain private identity, does not need to be listed, are not required for short-term interests and under pressure from the financial sector.

I am afraid that the four other Chinese companies are competing for Supercell lost when important reasons. Apart from the few Internet and gaming companies can take out the $ 8.6 billion, Baidu and Ali can come up with the money, no experience in game development and distribution. While other game companies, not only easily see short term benefits, but also difficult to guarantee that independence.

Behind the scenery hidden problems

Buy Supercell prospects seem rosy, but good also have worries.

Ilkka Paananen after acquisition suggests that he thought cooperation with Tencent, and all listed companies can bring to the team's strengths, employees in the future in accordance with the wishes of the Supercell Supercell sell shares (all).

Below the 10.2 billion dollar valuations, Supercell has reached the appropriate exit. For any company, which are more vulnerable when employees cashed out, Supercell, is more dangerous, the company only 190 employees, exits are at greater risk for the team.

In addition, the tour company of unstable tend to hand, it is easy to bust. Zynga and Rovio are any guide, due to not being able to continue, or repeat the phenomenal success, market capitalisation dropped by 80%.

Supercell and then a product of the Royal war broke the spell, but compared to the tribal wars, the Royal war faces serious loss of product users, the problem of short life cycle. For about two years to have the rhythm of a product, and corporate risk in a high State.

And Tencent run risks, Tencent invested before many of the overseas companies are faced with the difficult new quality games, Supercell was the exception is worthy of observation.

腾讯86亿美元收购Supercell值不值? 风光背后也有隐忧 - Supercell,腾讯游戏,皇室战争,部落战争 - IT资讯


今日,腾讯发布公告称,经与芬兰手游开发商Supercell协商后,腾讯组建的财团将收购Supercell 84.3%的股权,该交易分三期支付,总金额预计为86亿美元。




腾讯以86亿美元收购Supercell 84.3%的股权,不仅创下了中国海外最大的一笔收购记录,同样也是全球范围内最大的一笔手游收购案。

此前手游领域收购金额最大的一笔手游公司收购,由动视暴雪创下。2015年11月暴雪以59亿美元收购《糖果传奇》开发商King Digital Entertainment。King Digital Entertainment当时全年利润为5.17亿美元,收入为20亿美元,而且2015年月活跃用户人数达到4.74亿。

以King Digital Entertainment为参照物,Supercell2015年营收23.26亿美元,净利润9.64亿美元,据Supercell透露,旗下游戏的日活跃用户目前已经达到1亿。两家全年的营收差不多,但是估值却差了近两倍,差距主要在哪里?

一、因为收入差不多,但是Supercell2015年的利润却是King Digital Entertainment的近2倍。

二、暴雪收购King Digital Entertainment时,King Digital Entertainment已经开始疲软。2015年第四季度盈利不及预期,而且全年利润、收入和交易额均出现下滑,下降幅度在10%、12%和10%。而Supercell2015年依旧保持增长,收入和利润分别同比增长37%和63%。

三、King Digital Entertainment并没有能够难以复制前作的成功,存在产品单一,过渡依赖《糖果传奇》的问题。而此时Supercell发布的四款游戏几乎都大获成功,尤其是《部落冲突》之后,2016年的新作《皇室战争》再次在全球各大畅销榜霸榜,并且月均收入都在1亿美元左右,证明了自己能够持续制作全球超S级产品的能力。

四、King Digital Entertainment拥有1400人团队。Supercell却仅有190个人,成本更低,效率更高。


















Supercell公司CEO Ilkka Paananen谈到他们最看重的是长远发展。最后选择腾讯,是觉得腾讯可以让Supercell取得重要的跳跃式发展。


Ilkka Paananen觉得腾讯总裁刘炽平对于游戏的热情,以及腾讯此前有过的收购拳头公司(Riot Games)的经验也是Supercell看重的。





从Ilkka Paananen在收购之后的发言来看,他觉得与腾讯的合作,可以给团队带来所有上市公司拥有的优势,Supercell的员工可以在未来按照意愿卖掉手中的Supercell股份(所有人都有股份)。





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