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published in(发表于) 2013/11/12 11:56:04 Edit(编辑)
Dual 11 to 35 billion over cat accidentally pushed into a “underwear“

Dual 11 to 35 billion over cat accidentally pushed into a “underwear“(双11以350亿落幕,天猫意外陷入“内裤门” )

Double curtain 11 to 35 billion, cat accident in a "underwear"-double 11, my cat, Jiangning District Public Security Bureau, my cat panties-IT information Dual 11 to 35 billion over cat accidentally pushed into a "underwear"

2013 11 pair of popular online shopping spree has come to, PayPal eventually locked in turnover 35.019 billion yuan, 83% 19.1 billion growth than last year. Full after the party, the big test will be pressure upon logistics, we received a baby to the courier Uncle remembers when a smile ~

Talking points below the "lace" cats in double 11 various data were released the same day, accidentally lost his head after being "Grandma (@ Jiangning public security)" catch handles:

Cat : "1 hour, panties to sell 2 million, linking 3,000 kilometres long"

Jiangning public security : Hi, Ma! I'm a COP, but destroyed. Congratulations on your day today cat turnover exceeded 30 billion! We are proud of you! My question is: why do cats sold 2 million pairs of underwear together 3,000 kilometres long? Do you sell underwear size average is 1.5 m long? This size of underpants to buyers, what's the point?

? Cat Twitter screenshots


双11以350亿落幕,天猫意外陷入“内裤门” - 双11,天猫,江宁公安,天猫内裤门 - IT资讯







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