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published in(发表于) 2016/6/21 9:41:23 Edit(编辑)
Lenovo heavily as the super car, which deny,

Lenovo heavily as the super car, which deny,(传联想巨资投资乐视超级汽车,前者否认,)



Lenovo heavily as the super car, which denied-Lenovo, letv supercar-IT information

IT information news on June 21, according to media reports, the Association Le super car, recently participated in the first round of financing, Internet smart electric car intended layout.

The report noted that, in accordance with the planning legend in supercar capital has been put in place over the weekend in the first round, but did not disclose the amount, size or more than billion.

However, Lenovo Vice President, Lenovo venture partner Song Chunyu Le super car, did not participate in the investment, Guo Tongyan, head of Lenovo brand also said it has not heard of it.

Legend venture group was formally established on May 4 this year, officially launched phase II of the Fund size of $ 500 million, is financing TV plus super cars currently do need a lot of money, after reports depending on the car planned for completion by 2016 2 5 to 1 billion US dollar Pre-A rounds of financing, but was denied.

传联想巨资投资乐视超级汽车,前者否认 - 联想,乐视超级汽车 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月21日消息,据媒体报道,联想近期参与了乐视超级汽车的首轮融资,意欲布局互联网智能电动汽车领域。




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