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published in(发表于) 2016/6/21 9:40:57 Edit(编辑)
German media: nightmare in China by plane, flights rates the global bottom

German media: nightmare in China by plane, flights rates the global bottom(德媒:在中国坐飞机是噩梦,航班准点率全球垫底,)



German media: nightmare in China by plane, flights rates the world's bottom-plane, punctuality-IT information

German media said the airport in China in terms of on time is a disaster, and its cause is very special.

According to Germany, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported, at 10 o'clock in the morning by China Eastern Airlines passengers for SMS notification: night flight doesn't take off from Beijing to Shanghai. Aircraft is likely to stay on the ground. Reason: bad weather.

The Chinese capital will face a hurricane? On this day, in the morning, only a few clouds over Beijing, occasionally drop a few drops drizzle. For air Inspection Department for China, that's enough: "heavy rain" until 10 o'clock that night, Beijing Capital International Airport canceled flights not less than 580, equivalent to the total of one-third. But until late in the day, heavy rains delayed. Once again, it's because of a little bit of rain and the air traffic into a State of paralysis.

Reported in the China air travel is a nightmare. Every manager can work in China went on and on about how the aircraft encountered delays, waiting on the runway and flights were cancelled the distress suffered . Not only does this make them wasted valuable time, but also cause nerve stimulation. According to the Civil Aviation Administration of China data released in late May, average flights last year was delayed for 21 minutes, 2014 more than two minutes. According to official figures, one-third flights were delayed.

China's high-speed trains crowded and noisy, but millions more than the population of the high-speed railway between the cities are relatively on time. In contrast, China's civil aviation system is frightening. FlightStats airport data site on punctuality for 188 of the World Airport survey. Results of China's airport ranks last in reliability. According to the statistics, the Hangzhou airport is the worst in southern China. Punctuality is very poor at the airport in Shanghai and Beijing. Tokyo airport punctuality rate is close to perfect, and although the takeoff and landing of planes from there.

Reported that the airport because of the bad situation in China is caused by the rapid growth of air traffic, but the expansion of infrastructure has failed to keep up. 436 million passengers to travel by air in China last year, higher than 2014 11%. By 2034, this figure will increase 3 times. By 2020, not less than 66 new airports will be built in China. In this way, the total number of airports in China will reach 272 seats. Not only in the capital to build a new mega-airport, Chengdu, Qingdao, Xiamen and Dalian also will build a new airport. In December, Shanghai Pudong International Airport will be completed two new terminals at the same time.

Reports that despite so many new airports have been built and acquiring more aircraft, but would not reduce flight delays in the future, probably even more serious. Many Chinese experts believe that flights were cancelled, as well as the main cause of delays is that Chinese Civil Aviation flying the sky is not big enough, that as a civil airliner flying route congestion often occurs. According to Chinese media reports, leaving airliner flying the airspace is not 30%.

If the drizzle. China's air regulator into a panic.

However, the Chinese Government has promised, it will immediately open up wider for airliner flying space.

德媒:在中国坐飞机是噩梦,航班准点率全球垫底 - 飞机,准点率 - IT资讯










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