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published in(发表于) 2016/6/19 10:57:22 Edit(编辑)
Six Chinese calls for the abolition of the dog meat section in Guangxi, “kill dogs“ hidden dark industry chain

Six Chinese calls for the abolition of the dog meat section in Guangxi, “kill dogs“ hidden dark industry chain(六成中国民众呼吁取缔广西狗肉节,“日杀万狗”隐藏黑色产业链,)



Six Chinese calls for the abolition of the dog meat section in Guangxi, "kill dogs" hide the dark industry chain-the dog meat section, Yulin dog meat section-IT information

On June 19, beginning in 2010, Lai Chi Kok, Yulin city on June 21 each year the dog meat section is always at the forefront of public opinion. A latest opinion poll shows that 64% of Chinese public supports ban a "folk" as the name, in fact, commercial marketing of "holiday".

China Association of animal cruelty to animals in the capital said, "kill dogs" hidden behind the dog meat section of a nationwide illegal stealthily transport carcasses of companion animals for sale Sin industrial chain.

Survey: more than 60% people banned dog meat section

Agencies responsible for conducting the survey in Beijing when the index information consulting says the surveys using probability proportional scale of sampling, random 1000 cities, 500 counties and 500 villages taking 2000 Chinese citizens aged from 16 to 50 years of age, by Internet, telephone and in-person visits in the form of surveys, samples covering the whole country, which also includes feedback from Yulin, Guangxi.

Reports that 400 2000 sample came from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities, 300 from capital cities such as Harbin, Wuhan, Xian, 300 from Yulin city, Kaiping, Guangdong, and Zhejiang Jinhua, two or three lines, 500 from Guangdong, Shanxi, Guangxi and Zhejiang 5 counties, 100 from 5 villages.

Survey results show that64% per cent of people surveyed support banned dog meat section of Yulin, 51.7% heard that dog meat trade should be banned, 62%, Yulin dog damaged its international reputation has been, while 69.5% people have never eaten dog meat .

SPCA said Qin Xiaona, President of the results of the investigations in the capital, most of the Chinese boycott of Yulin dog meat section, and they have been of cruelty to animals, and hope that by promoting legislation to protect the animal's position is the same.

2016 national during the two sessions, over 8 million Chinese people through online voting, supported deputies Zheng Xiao and the "propose to enact a law expressly prohibiting cat and dog into the market" proposal. CPPCC tenggeer recommendations as soon as possible in the two sessions for several years to advance proposals for legislation against animal cruelty laws, also in the online opinion poll ranked very high approval ratings.

Chen Yulin, Deputy Director of the food and Drug Administration argue said Yulin city officials had never organized the dog meat section, the real "dog meat section of Litchi" does not exist.

Zheng Zhishan serving in bodies such as the International Fund for animal welfare in an interview with Xinhua, said that contrary to some misunderstandings with overseas, most Chinese people love animals and protect the animals, for theft profiteering-transport-slaughter-sell this illegal black dogs and cats without the knowledge of the industry chain .

In 2013, the International Fund for animal welfare in Beijing and other cities for the poll, 95% per cent of urban residents surveyed said "like animals" and "rejecting companion animals", "think that animals should be protected."

Cheap dog behind the dark industry chain

Zheng Zhishan proposes, in discussing the "eat" and "do not eat" before the first worthy of investigation is on the dog meat section where large dogs come from? There are no legitimate quarantine after? Slaughter and compliance with health standards?

Deputy Secretary General of China meat Association said Takami had a clear in an interview with Xinhua, China does not exist "dog meat", a farming industry, dog meat consumption in China's "minimal".

, President of the Beijing Association of small animal clinic industry Liu Lang pointed out that from the perspective of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, in vitro meat in dog, cat, due to high costs of feed, vaccines, and there is a prolonged period of slaughter, habits, not factors such as a large number of captive, as a farming operation is not realistic.

China Agricultural University clinical Department Director Xia Zhaofei 2014 estimation of the price level, even if they can overcome all kinds of "impossible" for dog group, then the price of a kilo of dog meat would surpass 100 million. Paradox is, according to the survey, from 2011 to 2014, civil dog meat trade in the catty about 6.5 to 23 Yuan .

"Low price" where do dogs come from? Martin Professor of Shandong University in recent years, according to a survey released,"black dog" main north line in the Northeast, a dog early came from Inner Mongolia and the Northeast village of theft, after expanding to Hebei and Shandong provinces, and now the main affected areas in Hebei, Shandong and Henan .

Sales area are Guangdong and Guangxi in the South line, dogs, mainly from Anhui, Zhejiang, Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, stealing, now there are from Shandong and Henan and other places to Guangdong and Guangxi to transport stolen dogs illegal practitioners.

It is understood that the law enforcement personnel from being intercepted illegally stealthily transport dogs and cats found on trucks to detect various types of mold, and stamped with the seal of the village party branches, among others, the animal collective immunity certificate of the County animal quarantine certificates and other false documents.

Scholars say these facts show that this illegal industry after years of "development", has formed a theft, acquisition, transport, slaughter, sold back to national chains and forgery .

Lawyer An Xiang pointed out, stealing or killing citizens kept working animal and companion animal violation of citizens ' property, of course, is illegal, killing stray animals and theft for profit, is illegal.

"Unknown" dog health

Eating tainted dog meat hot pot lead poisoning, or eat meat kill disease, news sources, in recent years, often found in newspapers.

International love animal Foundation had held "boycott black dog meat trade" for theme of show activities, displayed illegal practitioners for theft dog only using of coated has cyanide of real or arsenic of HIV DART, and crossbow, and toxic drug, and stolen cat using of dirty network, and cage, and catching beast clip and so on, and experience intensive held and long-distance transport of cat dog often blight the half, difficult said health, illegal slaughter dog only of locations conditions bad, and mosquitoes breeding......

Animals Asia Foundation after four years to investigate illegal dog and cat meat industry, and in 2015, according to a report published,"called an abundant supply of dog meat, in fact, is robbery and the poisoning of domestic animals and stray animals." From theft to flow back into the market, the whole process is a security risk, the return of illegal meat, as consumers could cause great harm to health.

An Xiang said that Chinese law expressly prohibits unsolicited livestock movement and the People's Republic of China on animal epidemic prevention law, animal quarantine regulations, animal quarantine in code and other laws and regulations, and on livestock breeding, slaughter, transport, process, or product sales and other industries regulated in vivo.

On April 22, 2013, China's Ministry of agriculture issued on further strengthening the dog and cat quarantine supervision notice require transporting dogs and cats must be considered only for the procedures implemented quarantine, by issuing quarantine certificates. "Notice essentially banned the production of dog and cat meat. "An Xiang said.

International humane society expert Li Jianqiang said in an interview with Xinhua, official statistics from China's Ministry of health as you can see, head of the incidence of human rabies cases in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, living in the country, and a population of only 6 million, Yulin city, and highest incidence of human rabies cases in the national top ten .

China's Ministry of health released in 2011 the national statutory infectious disease outbreaks have been reported, according to the class b infectious disease, fatality rates topped rabies. The same year, the Ministry of health report on the status of rabies prevention and control in China noted that the cumulative number of rabies deaths in recent years ranked top 5 in the province (area) respectively for Guangdong, Hunan, Guangxi, Guizhou, and Sichuan, total reported more than 60% of the total national total number of cases reported in the same period.

Animals Asia Foundation, Jill Robinson MBE, founder and Executive Director said that span across 8 provinces and autonomous regions of the 15 cities in the four-year investigation did not find any number of adult dogs in a kennel with more than 30. "The dog meat industry chain on each link is filled with lies and illegal. ”

六成中国民众呼吁取缔广西狗肉节,“日杀万狗”隐藏黑色产业链 - 狗肉节,玉林狗肉节 - IT资讯































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