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published in(发表于) 2016/8/27 18:52:36 Edit(编辑)
145 years old in Indonesia only grandchildren accompanied greatest wish is to die,

145 years old in Indonesia only grandchildren accompanied greatest wish is to die,(印尼145岁老人只剩孙子辈陪伴,最大愿望是离开人世,)



145 years old in Indonesia only grandchildren accompanied greatest wish is to die-life, the old man-IT information

According to the United Kingdom media, lived in Indonesia in Central Java in an old man Gordo (Mbah Gotho) is live to 145 years old, is probably the oldest man alive, their children have died, leaving Sun generation's companions, his greatest wish was to die today.

Gordo official certification of birth certificates, birth date is December 31, 1870, which had lived 145 years old; he has 10 brothers and sisters and 4 wives, but all of them are now dead, last wife died in 1988. All of his children also died, and now grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-grandchildren and other descendants to accompany. In media interviews, he said, "I want to die, their grandchildren are grown up independent".

Grandson Suryant revealed, ready for the grave when Grandpa was 122 years old, but the first for 24 years, death is not to meet him.

Grandchildren, said Gordo because eyesight cannot watch TV, so most of the time just sitting and listening to the radio to pass the time. Almost 3 months, Gordo's condition is getting worse and need to spoon feeding and help with bathing.

Indonesia the Registration Department staff, Gordo's date of birth is confirmed as written on his identity card on December 31, 1870, but the information is still not verified.

Gordo told the media that, the secret to his longevity is "patience".

It is reported that Nigeria and Ethiopia respectively before living to 171 and 163 people.

印尼145岁老人只剩孙子辈陪伴,最大愿望是离开人世 - 长寿,老人 - IT资讯

据英国媒体报道,住在印度尼西亚爪哇中部的一名老人戈多(Mbah Gotho)已经活到145岁,可能是目前在世最老的人瑞,面对儿女们纷纷去世,剩下孙字辈的陪伴左右,他如今最大的愿望就是离开人世。







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