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published in(发表于) 2016/6/19 10:57:18 Edit(编辑)
Russia blocks what is made into a movie? ,

Russia blocks what is made into a movie? ,(俄罗斯方块到底是怎么拍成电影的?,)



Russia blocks what is made into a movie? -Russia block-IT information

Why movies? Why write a book? Corner downstairs in my Office that smelly bum how does the new Nobu next door hotels wall left there "taste" of graffiti? After all, humans were restless and have to find something to do?

That Tetris (Russia diamonds) movie audience to raise enough money to shoot a trilogy after, presumably many people join me out with these questions. Russia blocks, that's a puzzling game, birth of the game in the Red land of communism in the East of the iron curtain, each box is smooth with demon blood. Finally, this silly game also has its own movie.

Great movie from 2014 there were rumors recently finally got enough money. According to the news DEADLINE, films from China and the United States jointly funded, funding is said to be $80,000,000 (a $ 80 million). VICE from special channels that portion of the message of the film.

Let us look at several known movies roles:

Blue bar square

For long, (said to be played by jielade·batelelai), life has been very good. However, a change has permanently changed the course of his life. Long was a family man, always was the focus of the spotlight, he's always in the Nick of time, sky, deep bottom, eliminating the lines box, save people from water and fire.

But the tragedy happened suddenly. Attending the big box hengfulajimier·kasipaluofu (Vladimir Kasparov, starred by Jason Statham) after the banquet, long and his wife, the yellow l-square on the way back to West Virginia, met with a traffic accident. Traffic accidents claimed he met at the University's wife, also robbed him of his life will, wife of pain he is in deep mire of alcohol and drug abuse. Long has always known something, but police and tycoons in cahoots, he could get justice from the judicial system?

Inverted t in purple square

Sexy purple box, was a lackluster prostitutes, worked hard to make ends meet. By mixieer·luodeligesi (Michelle Rodriguez) play. Purple Rose of this brave, but under in favor of Vladimir, rapid promotion as his right-hand man. However, the Purple Rose quietly to the long blooming, and began to pursue her never received justice. She will be faithful to who? The devil who gives her life? Decadent long or steal her heart?

Z-green squares

Z-green squares (played by Kevin Hart) is a large strip of often bickering buddies from high school. Thousand year Sidekick's life was not the best, long was always the focus of everyone. The Princeton Graduate, a defiant Orange top box (played by Michael Cera) are always steal his Thunder. He grew to be complaining of long. Green squares are also involved in the car crash conspiracy? Did he betray my high school best friend?

Your uncle, I can't write anymore, this is what La chicken thing?!

俄罗斯方块到底是怎么拍成电影的? - 俄罗斯方块 - IT资讯



大电影从2014年就有流言,最近终于得到了足够的资金。据 DEADLINE 的消息,电影会由中国和美国共同出资,资金据说有$80,000,000(八千万美刀)。VICE从特殊渠道得知电影的部分消息。




但悲剧突如其来地发生了。在参加完方块大亨弗拉基米尔·卡斯帕罗夫(Vladimir Kasparov,由杰森·斯坦森出演)的宴会之后,大长条和他的妻子黄色L型方块在回老家西弗吉尼亚的路上,遭遇了车祸。车祸夺去了他从相识于大学的妻子,也夺去了他生活的意志,丧妻之痛让他深陷酗酒和药物滥用的泥沼中。大长条一直知道事有蹊跷,但是警察与大亨沆瀣一气,他能从司法系统里得到正义吗?


性感迷人的方块紫,原是个落魄的风尘女子,勤恳工作得以勉强过活。由米歇尔·罗德里格斯(Michelle Rodriguez)扮演。这支勇敢的紫玫瑰,却在弗拉基米尔的青睐下,迅速晋升为他的得力助手。但是,这支紫玫瑰却悄悄地向大长条绽放了,同时也开始追寻她从未得到过的正义。她会忠诚于谁呢?那个给她丰富物质生活的恶魔?还是偷得她芳心的颓废大长条?




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