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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/17 8:10:18 Edit(编辑)
Such explosions, female users are crazy

Such explosions, female users are crazy(如此爆款,女网友都疯狂了,)

Such explosions, women you netizens are crazy from the stars, of the love story in Beijing, Spring Festival evening-IT news Such explosions, female users are crazy

After Valentine 's, and love of consumption continues to heat up. Recent popular movies and dramas from the stars of the Beijing love story of you lovers of all ages, Celine bags jackets, dresses, Gucci, Lavin's heels, drama actor of wear, jewelry is being lined up to on the other side.

Sought after fashion show online stores selling "stars"

The Beijing released Valentine's day love story is in 2014, together with the Beijing love story drama hit, so it is attractive to all types of people. After the release, it set off a stock upsurge of concern the Northern Ireland. Through Baidu search found a total of 394,000 results.

Are you loving a thick Korean drama TV series from the stars, are very sought after by young men and women in the near future, even Yang Mi, Gao Yuanyuan, Zhao Wei and other stars of the star you are mentioned on Twitter, and says in the play.

The film not only captures younger audiences longing for love, also dressed fans obsessed with the play. Shop or a breakdown in the play each role a "blast". Starring focused on men and women wear items, with the love that is blind accessories, 77% purchased a crowd for women, 18-24 are mostly people buy, 55.4%; 25-28 30.1%. As regards consumption hierarchy, is naturally a medium level of consumption, and 65.6%.

The stars you with Spring Festival with the fire hundredfold

You level with the hottest of the stars even more than this year's Spring Festival evening show. Past end of the annual Spring Festival evening show, stars clothing are worn by the shop hot push with, such as "Faye", "Li Niu". But this year's Spring Festival evening star with less fire. Taobao search data shows that search items with the number of users of the star you are searching spring 100 times.

Play leading to wear or use anything popular, such as actress slept in sleeping bags, wrist bracelets; clothing worn by actor, meaning that all of the stars you can get the top, everything blew up.

Women still mostly purchased a crowd, and 87% age is 18-24 years of age and are mostly mid-level consumers. Liaoning people show enthusiasm rushed into the province ranks fourth in the country, Shenyang, who ranks third among urban populations in the province.

Play blind consumption should be more rational treatment

However, the reporter found in surveys, young women and men follow suit with blindness. Sing your favorite Korean books to read before going to bed, a professor in the wonderful journey of Edward, just launch soon on sales of 229. One buyer said, actually don't really understand Korean, bought wouldn't look, but just wanted to feel, to the goddess storytelling warmth. There are many Taobao shop owners with the help of this Korean hot business, such as Taobao shop that sells fried chicken out "fried chicken and beer" sign, sales did increase.

"When I was young like this before, and bought some because there are things you can't use, resulting in storm chasers ending the, idle on the side. "70hou Wang said that trend is over things not going out and throw a pity, so blind Chase drama consumption, more rational treatment.


如此爆款,女网友都疯狂了 - 《来自星星的你》,《北京爱情故事》,春晚 - IT资讯














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