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published in(发表于) 2016/6/19 10:56:17 Edit(编辑)
Beijing East today announced that 618 orders for billions of dollars,

Beijing East today announced that 618 orders for billions of dollars,(京东宣布618累计订单量过亿,)



Jingdong today announced that 618 billion-amount of orders Jingdong, 618-IT information

IT news , June 19, Jingdong, today announced June 1 to 18th during the cumulative orders billions.

According to Jing dong said on June 18 all day (00:00-24:00), single volume grew more than 60%, where mobile orders at 85% per cent, 2.2 times a year earlier; women 61%, occupying large tracts of land.

Jingdong said Jingdong to 618 of the supermarket sold 25 million items. June 1 – 18th Jingdong fresh import orders were 618 6 times over the same period last year. June 1 – 18th, East 3C in the category, mobile, digital, computer office sales exceeded 40 million. As of June 18, at 12 o'clock, Apple sales are broken, Huawei + glory, millet billion, OPPO Barcelona sign customize the auction 88914, created history of East Beijing's mobile phone unit sold for record.

According to earlier reports, 618 phone sales rankings, top ten brands Huawei/glory, followed by millet, apples, Meizu, music video, Samsung, 360, OPPO, Lenovo, ZTE, ZTE.

京东宣布618累计订单量过亿 - 京东,618 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月19日消息,京东今日宣布6月1日到18日的大促期间,累计订单量过亿。




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