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published in(发表于) 2016/6/18 12:51:09 Edit(编辑)
NATO formally using the Internet as a battlefield: members of the attack is an attack Coalition

NATO formally using the Internet as a battlefield: members of the attack is an attack Coalition(北约正式将互联网列为战场:攻击成员就是攻击联盟,)



NATO formally using the Internet as a battlefield: members of the attack is to attack Union-NATO, the Internet-IT news

IT news , June 18, Internet security has become a problem that must be confronted, future wars may well not only in the display field, including cyberspace. A nation's critical networks under attack, is likely to cause irreparable damage. At present, NATO hopes in the Warsaw Summit to respond to cyberspace threats increased, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg (Jens Stoltenber) in Belgium in Brussels announced on a press release, "a defense against network attacks are our common defense. "This means that network platform has been full NATO as one of the battlefields.

Stoltenberg said that currently are not missing any military conflict in the age of network elements, outside of air, land and sea, countries, should strengthen attention to the virtual space of the Internet. According to the North Atlantic Treaty article fifth, of its members a country under attack will be considered an attack against all Member States, all Member States should respond. In other words, Member States suffered cyber attacks, you can receive assistance from other Member States.

Stoltenberg said that sensitive military data exchanges between NATO Member States and under the threat of hackers, hackers attempt to capture key data events are happening almost daily, and these often can be prevented, but establishing a network security services are very important to the future. United States Marine Corps and United States Navy announced this year that it would set up a new network security, cyber defense operations.

北约正式将互联网列为战场:攻击成员就是攻击联盟 - 北约,互联网 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月18日消息,互联网安全问题已经成为各国必须面对的一个问题,未来的战争很有可能不仅在显示的战场中,还包括网络空间。一个国家的关键性网络系统受到攻击,很有可能带来难以挽回的损失。目前,北约希望在华沙峰会上就网络空间威胁增加作出反应,北大西洋公约组织(NATO)秘书长斯托尔滕贝格(Jens Stoltenber)在比利时布鲁塞尔的一场新闻发布上宣布,“防御网络攻击属于我们的共同防御。”这意味着,网络平台已经被北约正式列为战场之一。



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