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published in(发表于) 2016/6/18 12:50:49 Edit(编辑)
Examination of the eyes: blend into the background painting of naked models, you can find a few? ,

Examination of the eyes: blend into the background painting of naked models, you can find a few? ,(考眼力:融入背景的裸体彩绘模特,你能找到几个?,)



Examination of the eyes: blend into the background painting of naked models, you can find a few? -Model, painted-IT information

On June 18, if not to say anything, to show you some pictures below, you can revel in the beautiful scenery of nature. If small series tells you that hid a lot of nude model?

Recently, Germany body painting artist yueerge·dusitewaerde (Joerg Duesterwald) introduced a series of new works, will be painted in the nude models into the nature of things, including stakes and mudui is the old gate.

When you look at the photos will find, even if it was easy to find the model in the photo, I am afraid, will not feel isolated in the photograph, perhaps this is the art of charm!

It is reported that yueerge·dusitewaerde body painting for more than 20 years, and these seemingly simple pictures, actually in the process of shooting is also very complex, you must adjust the angle of every detail to ensure photos look more natural.

考眼力:融入背景的裸体彩绘模特,你能找到几个? - 模特,彩绘 - IT资讯


近日,德国人体彩绘艺术家约尔格·杜斯特瓦尔德(Joerg Duesterwald)推出了一系列新作品,将裸体彩绘模特融入到了自然事物之中,其中包括木桩、木堆还是老旧大门。



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