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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:34:55 Edit(编辑)
2015 network red list: wangsicongli former girlfriend won

2015 network red list: wangsicongli former girlfriend won(2015网红排行榜:王思聪力压历任女友夺冠,)



2015 network red list: wangsicongli former girlfriend won the-net red, Wang Sicong-IT information

On March 8, a few days ago, the Internet magazine published in 2015 China red list, national husband has called wangsicongli reticulocyte girlfriends in the past, ranking first.

Specifically, this list brings together Twitter and other social media on the various people, including Wang Sicong Cherie among the 22 current girlfriend Sydney, ex-girlfriend, Zhang Yuxi 45.

In addition, Papi sauce up the second half of last year ranked 2nd, tea sisters Zhang Ze day 10th, "Wu School" were bright-36th place, "South flight flower" Chen 43rd place in Turin, show Luo girlfriend Zhou Yangqing 47th place, Aaron girlfriend Fang Yuan 48th place.

It is understood that the list is based primarily on the social media reputation, creativity, influence ranking.

2015网红排行榜:王思聪力压历任女友夺冠 - 网红,王思聪 - IT资讯





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