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published in(发表于) 2016/6/16 6:45:47 Edit(编辑)
Mediatek denies prostitute violet: conditional opening up mainland investment in IC design,

Mediatek denies prostitute violet: conditional opening up mainland investment in IC design,(联发科否认卖身紫光:有条件开放大陆投资IC设计,)



Mediatek denies prostitute violet: conditional-mediatek mainland investment in IC design, violet-IT information

China IC industry, Taiwan is a good springboard for Taiwan many electronics companies in chip development, manufacturing, packaging and testing areas is competitive, cross-strait cooperation is the general trend. However, for well-known reasons, coupled with the other side to change the Government, mainland investment in Taiwan has fallen out of the IC industry, Taiwan companies have to say, they are neither against mainland and customers, also to take into account Taiwan's needs. Mediatek Chairman Mr Tsai said in an interview also addressed mainland investment in Taiwan IC industry issues, also denied that sell purple chips.

Mediatek recently sold to city, a subsidiary of Jay city, navinfo company, earned $ 600 million, and is ready to set up a joint venture to enter the Internet market. This is essentially a mediatek dumped less optimistic about the business to mainland companies, but even so, the deal on the other side has stirred controversy, unaware of the truth of the Taiwan people and Government that mediatek "selling out Taiwan" will affect Taiwan employment, set up a joint venture company needed Taiwan strictly reviewed it.

Violet city, last year the company much in Taiwan buy buy buy IC companies, Zhao Weiguo, Chairman of mediatek isolation chanting one word, saying that its exhibition, ruidike collaboration with mediatek, the two sides work together to catch up with Qualcomm. Mediatek responded favorably to this, Mr Tsai says are willing to adopt an open attitude, work together on both sides work together to upgrade the position and competitiveness of Chinese enterprises in the semiconductor industry.

Although people with discerning eyes can see mediatek's response is a polite kind (both said if Taiwan policies allow), but Tsai Ming this statement is in trouble, it was suggested that it was ready to sell purple chips. This question was specifically denied in mediatek Chairman Mr Tsai said in an interview, said that it was a misunderstanding last year, he and violet generally agree isolator on both sides of the semiconductor industry to work together, not to sell chips, because there is no opportunity to explain before, many opposing scholars "hypothesis," mediatek's position, now he wants to clarify to the outside world.

As to whether opening up mainland investment in Taiwan IC industry's controversial, Mr Tsai said in the interview – conditionally opened, allows the demands of enterprise applications, professional and transparent review system and then handed over to the Government control, he stressed that "allows applications does not mean unconditional and complete openness, is not the same as open land".

联发科否认卖身紫光:有条件开放大陆投资IC设计 - 联发科,紫光 - IT资讯






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