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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/16 8:32:14 Edit(编辑)
Week of black duck’s dissatisfaction with the 4 one second implant, anger and Sue,

Week of black duck’s dissatisfaction with the 4 one second implant, anger and Sue,

Week of black duck's dissatisfaction with the 4 one second implant, anger and sued Zhou Heiya no implantation of the 4, the transformers 4-IT information Week of black duck's dissatisfaction with the 4 one second implant, anger and prosecution

Gossip bloggers broke a few days ago, saying the snack chain Zhou Heiya no transformers 4 implants reached cooperation intentions, weeks of bundling marketing for Black Duck, teasing the audience to achieve the aims. Today (July 15), SINA entertainment exclusive line Zhou Heiya Hao Lixiao, Deputy General Manager, said that contracts signed with the 4 implants are not fake, but for less than one second implant "very dissatisfied" and said it has sent letters to both partners. Hao Lixiao said brand had been cast in the film eat duck neck of "imagine", and partner communications, agreed to rationalization, but implantation is contrary to the contract.

Flicker of the 4 week Black Duck no implant?

Recently, some gossip bloggers broke the news, Zhou Heiya talked with transformers 4 agents of cooperation, but the two sides have not agreed on, required because the brand story: the rooftop fight scene KSI-lactose milk drink, President, out of the fridge a week eat ducks of the Black Duck, someone else asked what it was? Can you eat? Answer: "very nice, do you want to try it. "But Director Michael Bay that lens implant and the plot was too abrupt, and refused cooperation Zhou Heiya implants. The revelations also pointed out that week black discontent fail to implant, tens of millions of advertising and the consumption bundle of 4, achieved a very good topic effect.

Then, Zhou Heiya and the 4 cooperation with or without implants? SINA entertainment exclusive line Zhou Heiya Vice President Hao Lixiao, outsiders questioned him a little crazy, "did not sign advertising: what makes us by transformers items? That had already been paramount pictures on it? "He revealed that Zhou Heiya was authorized with the 4 parties signed the contract, after the contract is signed over paramount's authorization. He also confirmed that the 4 KSI-lactose milk drink, President, refrigerator less than a second on the "glimpse" is indeed Zhou Heiya implants.

But, for this a Flash and had of implanted effect, Hao Lixiao bluntly "very discontent meaning", and revealed has to the cooperation party sent has lawyer letter please claims, "we once has had let starring in tablets in the eat duck neck of ' imagine ', but we also agreed rationalization to rendering out, hopes cooperation both mutual respect, but now of implanted effect was very not satisfaction. ”

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