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published in(发表于) 2016/6/15 6:14:53 Edit(编辑)
Net market value shrunk 6 days 20 billion: still high, carefully fitted,

Net market value shrunk 6 days 20 billion: still high, carefully fitted,(乐视网市值6天缩水200亿:仍处高点,小心被套,)



Net market value shrunk 6 days 20 billion: still high, careful quilt cover-IT-music video network information

At the resumption of play on the first day of "amazing" after market, continuously out of the doldrums the downward trend of the secondary market, so that the market value of 6 trading days from June 3 to June 14, shrunk by more than 20 billion shares by 22.51%. Behind this market, the major funds continue to jettison, little money has been raised.

On June 14, as the network continues downward trend, the afternoon declines to increase up to enlarged declines in the 6%, which closed down 4.17% at 45.54 Yuan/share. Volume 572,000 hands throughout the day, turnover of 2.63 billion yuan, shrinking turnover further. Behind the movement of capital, on the main and very large single mass outflow, net outflows respectively in Shenzhen 4th and 2nd.

According to capital flows data depending on the 14th, the major net outflows of 351 million Yuan, large net outflow of 384 million Yuan, single, single, small single are in net inflows, net inflow of 33.05 million Yuan respectively, 182 million Yuan, 169 million Yuan. Funds flow diagram, in the main, large single and single, small single trade gap is widening in the afternoon.

In the main, large funds and single, small single funds selling goods and raise the opposite trend has been going on 6 days. Since June 3 Le depending on network complex brand began, main, and Super big single funds on continued rendering net outflow of situation, highest net outflow are in 1.1 billion yuan above, to June 14 respectively cumulative net outflow 3.135 billion yuan, and 3.272 billion yuan; and in the single and small single funds is continued in net into State, highest net into funds are in 500 million Yuan above, to June 14 respectively cumulative net into 1.496 billion yuan, and 1.638 billion yuan.

This means that, as the network is still showing a larger sale of divisions, large funds continue to jettison, and little money buying Consortium. In fact, such a situation in a recent Billboard single and bulk transaction there is a certain expression. On June 3 in Billboard, the top five buyers is full of hot money in the seats, and seats in the top five sellers have special seats for the two institutions, and the body seat is pure sold today jettison 536 million Yuan on June 6 block trading data showed, body sold seats to 53.5/unit price 50,000 shares, turnover amounted to 2.675 million Yuan.

In terms of overall market of the last 6 sessions, as the network has fallen 22.51%, could fetch from 109.078 billion down to 84.523 billion yuan before the suspension. Among them, particularly on June 13 the largest decline, down close. In the view of the industry, which may be largely influenced by the gem IPO down the driven decline in market sentiment as a result of.

For music, as the network's future investments, most market view, the music video network at present valuations remain high, stock prices may also be high, still need to be cautious.

In music, as the network behind recent gloomy market, the company's fundamentals is a storm continued. May 6 evening, Le depending on network announced intends 9.8 billion yuan acquisition Le depending on pictures of restructuring plans, time Le depending on pictures whether overestimated value, and star low price shares, matters became market of hot on the points; June 2 evening, the company declared complex brand, market will and began guess Le depending on network suspension 6 months Hou of market deduction; June 7 evening, a article a since media take with "summer grass" of name released questioned its earnings of articles, again let market focused Yu Le depending on network of financial status, on this Le depending on network aspects released statement said "currently has reported ”。

乐视网市值6天缩水200亿:仍处高点,小心被套 - 乐视网 - IT资讯









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