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published in(发表于) 2016/6/15 6:14:45 Edit(编辑)
Korea beauty anchors into China: major broadcast platform loot,

Korea beauty anchors into China: major broadcast platform loot,(万名韩国美女主播涌入中国:各大直播平台哄抢,)



Korea beauty anchors into China: major broadcast platform loot-Belle anchor. betta, Panda TV-IT information

Yeon-Hee (not his real name) before the talk, the Studio looks and Panda TV, fighting fish and other live broadcast platform on the other no difference between Studio, bright lights, cookie-cutter beauty, noisy background music, rapid flashes of barrage to show spectators about the industry bustle and lively.

But just a few seconds later, Hangul mixed with English songs and some terminologies in the barrage reminded the Studio anchors apart: Korea National beauty.

This scenario is not uncommon in broadcast platform in the country, live broadcast platform in the country since last year with the development of smart phones has exploded, many Korea anchorwoman and actress began pouring into China.

One Korea investors said Tencent technology, came to the anchorwoman of China including Korea had engaged in the broadcast industry anchors, some artists have even included some small brands trying to open the Chinese market.

Statistics show, currently in China Korea female anchor for at least million, related to esports, dance, arts, business and other fields.

It is understood that in Korea after the anchorwoman who tasted the sweetness, some live streaming platform is looking looking to Japan, and Thailand, and other countries, trying to copy the Korea anchorwoman was once glory. From Korea anchorwoman feedback was that they are just dying to get a simple "hit rewards", but looking at the greater China market, hoping to get greater benefits.

Catfish churned up the market

The past year, with the outbreak of mobile broadcasting, many female anchors are made before 9158, six rooms of the era of live unimaginable incomes.

A senior anchorwoman for Tencent technology said: "in the past live in the country website or the show mode or are relying on walking and getting some commonly known as ' the butcher '. But as the network speed faster and faster, most users start using smartphones. Realize this is the future trend of several live platform began throwing money, wake up morning anchorwoman was almost overnight. "The anchorwoman said, had turned the platform several times, each has a high income, only the last two years earned on average more than million.

Such income level in Taiwan live platform popular TV Vice President Shi Peng is controlled within the scope of: "compared to last year, the anchor, the average income has increased significantly, revenue even more than the entertainment of the top anchor stars. But it is precisely the live the market exploding reaction, not foam. ”

But soon, these get rich quick schemes anchorwoman found the market there is a strong opponent from Korea's regular army.

The fish, the Panda when these new live streaming platform is not yet market leading, 9158 some from Korea host, Korea host appearances not much, but often on hot list. In 2015, the Korea anchors into domestic audience under the influence of the next moment one Chinese woman fell to less than 10,000 from the mega-level, the woman directly in the Studio in tears.

One Korea investors Tencent technology says: "Korea entertainment industry's star-making skills, live is already in the Red Sea, can kill it all can sing dance and China when the broadcast industry is still in its early stages. "From Korea anchorwoman sound much more simple:" Chinese audiences more enthusiastic, more hot live platform, more income. ”

Now Korea less than 60 million of the total population, in Korea a live room if you have thousands or even hundreds of viewers is an anchor, while in China, the number often over 10 times or even a hundredfold. Naturally, this means more income, a message displays in October 2015, only one member of the audience on a live platform for one Korea anchorwoman gifts directly sent more than 100,000 yuan.

Arrival of the regular army, a serious blow to domestic popular anchorwoman. At home live platform 9158 COO maishien Korea anchorwoman more lively and more powerful: "anchor for domestic industries would bring some change and impact. ”

Korea anchorwoman's arrival, maishien blunt is the catfish effect: "Korea anchorwoman improves the level of anchor ddd platform as a whole, particularly in singing and dancing, Korea anchor strength is very strong. ”

Korea actor and esports

In fact, capital and resources are considered to be an important bargaining chip in the broadcast industry. "If you experience these live online software, you will find no difference whatsoever in this industry, innovation is really hard, we fight is money and resources. "A live platform technology to Tencent, the founder said.

Shi Peng, high quality anchor anchors are scarce resources and high value: "value of anchor, the core is the most intuitive judgment, are his fans benefits. Fans behind the benefit, is the host of the position itself, content operations, performance, and more comprehensive quality. ”

Can became foreign female anchor in China live industry of leader, Korea female anchor natural has its unique of advantage: Korea and China frequently of economic culture between led to network live is good penetration to both online live entertainment in the; second Korea currently population base less, and Internet, and entertainment industry height developed, those excess of resources, can fill domestic of needs; last is is adventures heart of needs.

Korea Web cast is also very popular, live cross-border e-commerce platform owned by paramita Korea host Li Hanqing Tencent technology, said as early as in 1996, Korea has been broadcasting platform afreeca, but can only be played on PC, anchors need to do live with headphones.

The past two years with the development of the mobile Internet, afreeca supports mobile broadcast. Afreeca live platform now is hot, red beauty network will broadcast live the 1-2 hour, then edited into a short video upload YouTube, content mainly in the food, cosmetic, talk show.

In Korea behind the rapid development of the broadcasting industry is Korea entertainer's crazy pace and quality of one Korea artists Tencent technology says: "trainee will accept covers vocal music, dance, fitness, performance measures and training, after high voltage training in, through the assessment of trainees, and Korea formally signed artist platform. ”

Platforms in artists, recently red-hot competing field also happened to Korea's advantage.

In Korea, e-sports gaming is serious business. The industry annually to Korea bring billions of dollars in economic benefits, has a large number of income can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars a year of professional players, their popularity hasn't lost to sports stars. Korea Government even has a special department responsible for game management. 2004 StarCraft League finals in Korea Busan, drew 100,000 people--far more than the FA Cup final the same year (71,000 persons) and United States Football Super Bowl (68,000) number of games.

While in Korea, eSports anchorwoman has become the norm in recent years, said one of the most popular female anchor, even tens of millions in annual revenue. In May this year Wang Sicong with sky-high signing Korea esports broadcasting "sister" Yin Suwan, was considered the esports live Korea the important points.

Most still in Korea, broker trader

Tencent technology to understand, many Korea female anchor is not in their personal capacity, and live broadcasting platform, but live streaming platform and Korea's economic cooperation company, which signed Korea anchorwoman. 9158 is typical, according to maishien introduction, 9158 in Korea have brokerage firms to cooperate: "these agencies will help us to select the right host, these anchors are in Korea have some live Basic, easy to establish popularity. ”

Thanks to the advances in network technology, currently most of the Korea host continued to live in Korea itself, and did not come to China.

Li Hanqing was one of typical University majoring in journalism/radio, film and television Director of the Korea female anchor, and after graduation was going to work looking for a moderator in TV. But after and far-reaching communications, became a mission in Korea's anchorwoman. In her view, although almost never seen Chinese users, but because through live communication with them every week, and can blink to accept their reaction, Chinese users are like friends.

Another one universal TV its of Korea female anchor Hui Linda is said because home people of reasons cannot to China: "but live platform very rod of is is, regardless of you in where, as long as has network, and camera and a good of live platform, you on can has across borders of audience, not by geographical limit, and himself in Korea do live also is is has advantage of, because can occasionally do some Korea of outdoor live, to fans fresh sense. ”

More Korea anchorwoman is also considering visiting China in the future, 9158 Korea anchorwoman yalisha it seems that the Chinese audience's reaction is even better than you thought: "If in the future I can get Chinese audience favorite, with fans, I will consider travelling between China and Korea-related activities. ”

But the Korea anchorwoman at China's development is not all glamorous, huilin said on live national TV time is not too long, income is not high, but has produced a translation cost, outdoor, than spending a lot.

But these stuck in temporary income Korea anchorwoman also said that wanted to boost its profile in China, hoping to open additional revenue models.

万名韩国美女主播涌入中国:各大直播平台哄抢 - 美女主播.斗鱼,熊猫TV - IT资讯















正规军的到来,严重打击了国产女主播的人气。在国内直播平台9158 COO麦世恩看来韩国女主播更加活泼也更加有冲击力:“对国内的主播行业会带来一定的变化和影响。”




















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