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published in(发表于) 2016/6/15 6:14:39 Edit(编辑)
History of Australia is the most difficult to get a drink from the oven: tomato paste can be equipped with pork pies,

History of Australia is the most difficult to get a drink from the oven: tomato paste can be equipped with pork pies,(澳洲史上最难喝饮料出炉:番茄酱味可配猪肉派,)



History of Australia is the most difficult to get a drink from the oven: tomato paste can be equipped with pork pie-drink-IT information

Australia Network reported that Maximus Australian beverage company recently launched a new product--the ketchup-flavored sports drink, also advised consumers to match eaten pork pie.

It is reported that this exotic drink once came received a "most difficult to drink in the history" of the title, number of Internet users in a social media ridicule this drink.

A drink for two purposes

According to reported, Australia beverage company Maximus recently launched of new--"Pie Mate" (meat sent partner) was has countless netizens of poor assessment, this paragraph movement type beverage is fresh red, taste and tomato sauce is like, businesses also took this for selling, recommends consumers in eat meat sent of when drinking this paragraph beverage, such on can saves tomato sauce of money has. However, hate the netizens did not buy this drink.

A young user video site YouTube also recorded a "pilot-bile" video, when he put the Red liquid into the Cup, and he was laughing nervously said, "it smells disgusting. ”

Before his glass to his lips, he smells a bit, and then said: "it's too bad. "Young people ready to challenge after a SIP, but he stopped, then said with a nervous laugh:" I can't do it. "But in the end, young and courage took a SIP, the result was" Ray "scare.

Then he gave his father drinks, his father said, "I bet it's hard to drink. "Results after took a SIP, the young father's words came true. But this is not over, young continued to persuade mothers try sipped a little later, the mother said: "taste really weird. ”

Not the most wonderful work only more wonderful

In addition to video slots Pie Mate drinks, picture sharing site Imgur or there is a picture, which read "in Australia, we had a promotion, if you buy a meat pie, you can get a free bottle of Pie Mate, because it can play a tomato paste function".

One of the social networking site "Facebook" (Facebook) users, after drinking this drink wrote: "this is the food I want to put it in your mouth", another user wrote, "I almost spit it out after drinking." Social networking site Reddit users are ridiculed the way Australians in their efforts to become "more strange" and "exotic" has gone too far on the road.

澳洲史上最难喝饮料出炉:番茄酱味可配猪肉派 - 饮料 - IT资讯




据报道,澳洲饮料公司Maximus近日推出的新品——“Pie Mate”(肉派伴侣)遭到了无数网民的差评,这款运动型饮料呈鲜红色,味道与番茄酱很像,商家还拿此作卖点,建议消费者在吃肉派的时候饮用这款饮料,这样就可以省去番茄酱的钱了。不过,讨厌这款饮料的网民并不买账。





除了用视频吐槽Pie Mate饮料,图片分享网站Imgur还有一张配图,上面写道“在澳洲,我们有一个促销活动,如果你买一个肉馅饼,你就可以免费得到一瓶Pie Mate,因为它可以扮演番茄酱的功能”。


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