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published in(发表于) 2016/6/13 11:14:38 Edit(编辑)
App friends complained that the company food poor, men were forced to leave,

App friends complained that the company food poor, men were forced to leave,(微信朋友圈抱怨公司伙食差,男子被强迫离职,)



App friends complained that the company food poor, men be forced to resign-app, circle of friends-IT information

With the popularity of smartphones, many young people at work, setbacks in life, are likely to point in the circle of friends small complaints. Suqian city, Jiangsu Province, Mr Li or because of friends in these "gripes", which led to his losing his job.

Recently, in Suqian city, Jiangsu Province, a company Lee acting as quality control "resigned". On the causes of being fired, Mr Li is depressed, "because in the circle of friends made a few complaining about the food, let me leave. "The 12th, the company official said in an interview, third parties have been involved in the investigation of the company, will restore the truth.

A few days ago, an article entitled "Jiangsu show strong glass-I can't read you" post in the Forum on local heat transfer in Suqian, Mr Li introduced himself as in the post at the circle of friends, a few words on the "discontent", and "quit" encounter, a cause for concern.

Lee described in the post, he arrived in Jiangsu in June 2015 show strong glass company as a quality control position, because companies with relevant work experience before being assigned to the appliance the quality control Department, responsible for the inspection of Japanese products.

For some easy work often involved issues affecting product quality, Mr Li feedback several times but didn't get the company attaches importance to, in the circle of friends made a number of complaints. Mr Li also said, grumbling discontent, he never say bad things about a company.

The afternoon of June 7, Department heads to find Mr LEE, said Lee's violation of corporate culture, returning to his human resources department, and allow it to sign the decision. Lee finds himself in a tiny circle of friends "complaint" screenshot print, put in on the decision.

Post also comes with Mr LEE to "convicted" of three micro-circle of friends information. Reporters noted that there are two of them and their companies.

In a article title for "show strong a years summary" of friends circle information in the, Lee Mr So wrote to: in show strong said of up of Word is "I wrong has", in show strong said of most hypocrisy of Word is "I help you", in show strong quality exception most wayward of processing way is "minor of pass, serious of NG......"

On March 29 of this year, Lee made another circle of friends information about canteen food. "Show companies ' green soup ' clear, pure taste, savor always smell of boiled water. Company has been through ' thrift ' style, show strong restaurants in this area was thoroughly. ”

Lee recalled that afternoon, their overtime to about 16 o'clock to the cafeteria to eat, "canteen soup is a dish of the day leaves were not able to see, just some oil floating on the water star, is hard to bear, I casually taking pictures of friends. ”

Mr LEE, perhaps it is this micro-circle of friends message, causing the company's "importance".

"I thought that the most is a gang, didn't want to direct the Department of human resources let me leave, not people like me. "Mr Lee told reporters the post is his, and the content is true. "Competent to me friends three messages, one saying I'm Home things, not those of the company; one is the number of time reflects that the problem is not back depressed; the other is the company Board. ”

Mr LEE believes that complaints were made by friends, he became his reason for leaving, it was silly. "Now the economic climate is not very good, hard to find work, the company didn't leave me a buffer time, living under a lot of pressure. ”

Reporters learned that show strong glass company was founded in 2001 in Jiangsu Province, is one of the largest glass manufacturer in China, employees of more than 1000 people. As a large public company, will show companies because complaints were made by employees in your circle of friends let it leave?

12th, show, company officials told reporters that Mr Li himself in words there may be some misunderstanding between the Department of human resources, third parties have been involved in the investigation of the company, will sort out the truth.

微信朋友圈抱怨公司伙食差,男子被强迫离职 - 微信,朋友圈 - IT资讯
















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