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published in(发表于) 2016/6/12 10:10:43 Edit(编辑)
Iran to sell Huawei ZTE, United States banned list

Iran to sell Huawei ZTE, United States banned list(伊朗出卖中兴华为,美国获违禁企业名单,)



Iran to sell Huawei ZTE, United States prohibited list-ZTE, Huawei, Iran embargo-IT information

IT information news several months zhiqian for China technology enterprise ZTE of export restrictions event with with ZTE communications to United States Government made of has binding of commitment, Commerce temporarily lifted part license limit and end, due to beauty Iraq relationship to normalization, United States requirements Iran provides in embargo sanctions period, China violation embargo sanctions of enterprise list, so Iran "sold" has China, put Huawei, and ZTE of list provides to United States.

US Agency a staff member asked not to be named said the ZTE and Huawei violations of United States embargoes more evidence of the policy has been the US master, us a new round of punitive measures will be taken at any time, because the United States is required for the Iran embargo list of Chinese violations of the embargo policy, Iran betraying China, Huawei ZTE accounts on the list.

According to United States media such as Wired, ZTE Corporation in the United States counsel Ashley Kyle Texas subsidiary Yablon, ZTE was back in May 2012 has been reported to the FBI, and allows law enforcement officers from his work computer, copy the relevant files. Ashley Kyle Yablon said, because he refused to cover up the scandal, is leading the freezing of business activities by ZTE, so he reported to the FBI, and sue for ZTE.

伊朗出卖中兴华为,美国获违禁企业名单 - 中兴,华为,伊朗禁运 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 几个月之前针对中国科技企业中兴的出口限令事件伴随着中兴通讯向美国政府做出的具有约束力的承诺,商务部暂时解除部分许可限制而结束,由于美伊关系走向正常化,美国要求伊朗提供在禁运制裁期,中国违反禁运制裁的企业名单,于是伊朗“出卖”了中国,把华为、中兴的名单提供给美国。


根据美国《连线》 等媒体报导,中兴公司在美国德克萨斯州子公司的法律顾问Ashley Kyle Yablon,早在2012年5月份已经向FBI举报了中兴公司,并且允许执法人员从他的工作电脑中复制相关档案。Ashley Kyle Yablon表示,他因为拒绝参与掩盖丑闻,被中兴领导冻结业务活动,所以才向FBI举报,并向法院起诉中兴。

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