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published in(发表于) 2016/6/12 10:10:19 Edit(编辑)
Anonymous supporters attacked ISIS Twitter account: vilify with adult themes,

Anonymous supporters attacked ISIS Twitter account: vilify with adult themes,(匿名者攻击ISIS支持者Twitter账号:用成人主题丑化,)



Anonymous supporters attacked ISIS Twitter account: adult themes beautify-anonymous, hacker, ISIS-IT information

IT information news June 12 message, global maximum hacker organization anonymous who and terrorist organization ISIS Zhijian of "contradictions" has a long history, previously Paris terrorist attacks event zhihou, anonymous who had public on ISIS war, said "not let you", and here so-called of war is nothing more than is invasion other of Twitter account, and website, and IP address, then delete other of data information,, and recently, anonymous who in on ISIS launched of new a round attack in the, Adopts a slightly new way, though still invade the terrorists ' Twitter account, but the difference is, this time they will be supporters of ISIS account have been replaced with adult themed background, to achieve the purpose of humiliation.

Although ISIS behind has appalling of sex slave market, in its control regional violence crime very rampant, but St soldiers are still think "porn" is was nausea of, also not allows social account appeared porn theme of pictures, due to was attack of these Twitter account almost has never not sent push paper, so also cannot was as garbage information filter off, so, this on often with social media recruitment members of ISIS, is a major of combat.

Anonymous member WauchulaGhost to the foreign media SoftPedia said sexual attacks are not new, but it is very useful for ISIS, since on the ISIS in what they fear the most, first woman, and the second is sex.

匿名者攻击ISIS支持者Twitter账号:用成人主题丑化 - 匿名者,黑客,ISIS - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月12日消息,全球最大黑客组织匿名者和恐怖组织ISIS之间的“矛盾”由来已久,此前巴黎恐怖袭击事件之后,匿名者曾公开对ISIS宣战,表示“不会放过你们”,而这里所谓的宣战无非是入侵对方的Twitter账号、网站、IP地址,然后删除对方的数据资料等,而近日,匿名者在对ISIS发起的新一轮攻击中,采用了稍微新颖一些的手段,虽然还是入侵恐怖分子的Twitter账号,但不同的是,这一次他们将ISIS支持者的账号都替换成了成人主题的背景,以此达到羞辱的目的。



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