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published in(发表于) 2016/6/12 10:10:14 Edit(编辑)
6000 Lamborghini for the elderly: can pull and pull and

6000 Lamborghini for the elderly: can pull and pull and(老人6000元造兰博基尼:能拉货能拉人,)



6000 Lamborghini for the elderly: pull pull-Lamborghini-IT information

On June 12, is the so-called experts in the private sector, IT news has previously reported that farmers spent 100,000 built Redwood cabriolet news, also reported that students in Changzhou pure hand-made "Roadster", the fuel consumption of only 0.5 liters per hundred kilometers, today we introduce a sports car from the public, only cost 6000 worth of Lamborghini.

Phoenix Technologies reported that Shandong had a grandfather to grandson electric Lamborghini was making a gift online to find information learning, spent 6,000 Yuan made out of car, top speed of 60 kilometers.

According to reports, this Lamborghini body is two meters wide and one meter long, can sit down an adult, lanboji logo on the steering wheel, rear sets the hook, you can pull trailers.

Police said the car belonged to a small toy car, only in the yard or Park at low speed, not driving on the motorway.

Other than Lamborghini, Grandpa grandson also had a Ferrari.

老人6000元造兰博基尼:能拉货能拉人 - 兰博基尼 - IT资讯






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