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Express electric train started, “tie laoda“ into the melee,

Express electric train started, “tie laoda“ into the melee,

Express electric train started, "tie laoda" skirmish-into e-commerce e-commerce, logistics, express-IT news Express electric train started, "tie laoda" rounding out the electrical contractor melee

Years war has not yet dispersed, electricity producers on "holiday" or "11", "war" has been in the pipeline. As an electrical contractor logistics support of the war, logistics industry the same scrimmage again, and this time the "tie laoda" will also join the melee.

Starting from July 1, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen will open between 3 to 6 column one direct express trains stop. Private courier fought fierce "electrical contractor" markets, "commodity" as the strong intervention of railway freight transportation, in railway history, this is the first time.

Soon after, a column of trucks filled with shopping package, from the small seller is one of the most populated cities of Guangzhou, one kept open to stop purchasing power is highest of the cities of Beijing, as the smoke of the battle to add power.

"The expected future Railway Express supply of development efforts will continue to increase, pressure on domestic air transport. "China Southern Airlines freight transport Ministry said Jiang Wendeng. Was previously aerospace and automotive takes on the small parcel express business, or will face challenges.

Try electricity class

These days, turn on the computer, no matter what site, first jumped into the eye of the majority is "years" ad. Electrical contractor executives promotions full of tricks, "parity, let" slogan early release, full screen "buy, kill, cash back" words, what starts as a "feast of consumption."

Such promotions across the network, and the end of the year, one without. Ordinary anniversary and popular "singles" are changed to e-commerce enterprises to carry out large-scale shopping Carnival discounts and promotions. 2013 "double 11" Taobao total 35.018 billion yuan in sales, turnover exceeded 100 million only took 55 seconds reached 1 billion in just 6 minutes and 7 seconds.

Behind in the numbers, is hundreds of millions of rolls express small package and growth. State Post Bureau figures show that the first quarter of this year, the national courier service businesses completed business volume of 2.6 billion, an increase of 51.9% and growing strong.

However, to date, the "tie laoda" has been absent this feast electrical contractor, aircraft and road transport express small package is always the main battlefield.

"Rail freight has always been dominated by commodities, rarely involve postal packets, this loss is not unlucky. "A person close to total iron, told reporters.

It is understood that the e-commerce express trains will take the express company cooperation and Community Development Bank sent using direct express train, to make up for the original issue of ordinary trains shipping freight rates, Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta manufacturing arrived within 24 hours of the capital markets. Its limitation, between the price of high-speed rail express delivery and general freight.

"Compared to air, relatively low cost, catch the ' online activities such as 11', with traffic more than air. There are some advantages, if pre-6 electrical contractor operated trains outstanding results, on the routes and frequencies are going after more rich. "The people close to total iron said.

For courier companies, with "tie laoda" hand is a yearning. Last October, the shentong express company proposed opening off the train between Beijing and Shanghai this year. "Compared to the aviation, Railway Express has a lot of advantages, low cost, not affected by the weather, high punctuality, but resources are too difficult to get, especially for those of us that private companies. "Sto official told reporters. So far, Shanghai railway cooperation is limited to lease one or two cars on a regular basis.

However, Shanghai will soon be able to maximize the use of the railway resources. Compared with previous cargo, electric trains use one-stop direct mode of transportation would greatly shorten the transport time.

In fact, the "business express" idea has been hovering in the total internal iron for a long time. However, the total e-commerce Express is always wary of iron. The electric train, flight and starting locations are "testing the waters" component of heavier, choose North of Guangzhou-Shenzhen express volume in the country with four top, minimize business risk, and also facilitates its exclusive owner delivery.

In the railroad industry analyst Li Lei, electric trains are not only market business development results, is bowing to pressure from the market-oriented reform of Railway Corporation. As a part of e-commerce logistics throughout the process, electric trains, other than cooperation with courier companies, could also try to cooperate directly with the merchant. Not only the quantity of the goods is improved, and cooperation has greatly increased the number of electrical contractor.

Logistics in melee

This is not the first time exploring express business.

On April 1, Railway Express, opened a high-speed express service, when reached, drudging up, next day debut three products. However, due to price and market positioning, the results are unsatisfactory.

According to China Railway Express official in Harbin, high-speed rail in the region Express opened in April after about 1 month, and only sent a total of more than 200 pieces, only about 8 a day on average.

An "accessible," courier said, to enter the express railway freight transportation market has been considered to be a general trend, but is now running the high-speed Express, can make the markets, is still in the exploratory stage. Rich and more just a delivery form of existence.

But under market frictions, high-speed express future form is believed to be more diversified. News, Railway Express is intended to push prices lower in the economy.

By contrast, electric trains are considered "more grounded".

Long time, rail freight has been based on ore, iron and steel, coal and other commodities is the main source. In the view of most people in the industry, vying for commercial freight market, is in the reform and transformation of iron in General, are very necessary. Total iron May shipment data released recently showed that completion of the national rail freight volume of 1.58 billion tons, down 3.07%, which sends freight volume of completed 1.579 billion tons, down 2.95%. Contrary to the express growth rate and the State Post Bureau.

In May last year working Conference on reform of railway freight, iron General, Party Secretary and General Manager Mr Sheng guangzu, specifically the rapid development of society express business figures, bulk materials and railway freight volume declined compare emphasizes the social structure of transport demand major changes have taken place.

"On one direct express train stop showing Railway Express aspects of e-commerce goods supply became interested. In fact, rail transport, especially railway transport development of the express delivery market has more advantages. Overall transport time of high-speed rail and air transport with no obvious gap even faster. Compared to air transport, less affected by the weather. Standards for the transport of goods by rail is lower than air transport, conducive to the improvement of operational efficiency. Networks are maturing, convenient express transportation of goods. "Jiang Wendeng said.

In fact, the railway transportation into the express market, there are still many problems. Jiang Wendeng, on the hardware side, has long been dominated by bulk cargo transport of goods by rail, so conventional transport, timely advantage failed to make full use, while in the high-speed trains that run on design mainly for passenger transport, freight transport has not been considered, not convenient for cargo operations, and also lack of cargo handling space in the train station. On the software side, railway freight transport sector has a strong flavor of the monopoly system, cargo business lack efficiency, enthusiasm for new market development limited.

Even iron total insiders also think short-term, express parcel transport is still the world of aviation and road transport.

However, with the spread of networks, especially in the construction of a high-speed railway freight car and freight platform specific, service process reengineering are resolved, even after a high-speed express train, Railway Express will be expected to form more significant growth on air freight express transportation into shunt.

"In particular, ' double Shopping Festival, 11', express growing number dozens of times in a short time, is a great test for capacity. Advantage of railway transport capacity is reflected by this time. These advantages, we can be in this year's ' double-11' feel. "Guangzhou air cargo centre, a staff member said.

"Postal packets of rail transport after the formation of scale, not only to increase railway income, reducing rail funding pressures, more importantly to improve railway transportation structure, increased ' white goods ' proportion makes rail transport more grounded and flattened macro impact. "The people close to total iron said.

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