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published in(发表于) 2016/6/11 7:39:12 Edit(编辑)
Martyr Shen Liangliang of peacekeeping operations remains were cremated yesterday and the ashes returned to Henan province

Martyr Shen Liangliang of peacekeeping operations remains were cremated yesterday and the ashes returned to Henan province(维和烈士申亮亮遗体昨日火化,骨灰将送回河南)



Martyr Shen Liangliang of peacekeeping operations remains were cremated yesterday's ashes will be returned to Henan province

On June 10, Yang Qiu Shen Liangliang mother flower flowers at the ceremony. Xinhua News Agency

The morning of June 10, according to Xinhua, Shen Liangliang of martyrs in peacekeeping missions at the expense of Mali remains were cremated in Yongji County, Jilin province, troops, families of martyrs and more than 1000 people attended the memorial service for the community. The ashes of martyrs by their families and troops representatives escorted back to Wen County, Henan hometown burial.

10 o'clock in the morning, Shen Liangliang martyr's portrait placed in the middle of the funeral hall, Yongji County, the coffin covered with the bright five-star red flag of martyrs, two armed guards stood on both sides of the body. Shen Liangliang living soldiers, garrison provinces where representatives from all walks of life, representatives of home and spontaneously came mass parade stand.

Shen Liangliang 11 to commemorate the martyrs of military career, 29 soldiers armed with assault rifles, fired 11 rounds. Army's 16th group Army Commander Tan Min read Shen Liangliang is rated as a martyr of the notification and the martyr's life, and called on the army officers and men to learn from Shen Liangliang. Mother holding framed photos of the martyrs, and his son for a final goodbye. Soldiers closely guarded the almost fainting mother of martyrs, one by one, called "mother, mother", the scene was moved to tears.

Number of unknown people in the Hall burst into tears, martyrs of the queue to send the last stage of their journey. Shen Liangliang living 16 Army Corps of troops of the Army Corps Party Committee filed requesting inherited legacy of the martyrs, to peacekeeping missions of Mali.

Meanwhile, the Chinese peacekeepers of the United Nations peacekeeping mission in the mission area are expressed in various forms for the martyrs of mourning and condolences to the martyrs. Many comrades of peacekeeping contributions to the families of the martyrs, and not leaving a name. China to Congo (Kinshasa) peacekeeping engineering unit in the peninsula of China camp and the Uvira camps to silence in memory of martyr's hat. Chinese peacekeeping medical contingent in Liberia "to sacrifice his comrades, for heroic praise."

(Editors: Hao Long UN654)
2016-06-11 03:17:04
Beijing times
维和烈士申亮亮遗体昨日火化 骨灰将送回河南







(责任编辑:郝龙 UN654)
2016-06-11 03:17:04

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