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published in(发表于) 2016/6/11 7:38:36 Edit(编辑)
Foreign Media: the US sent two aircraft carriers cruising the South China Sea, backing for the Philippines

Foreign Media: the US sent two aircraft carriers cruising the South China Sea, backing for the Philippines(外媒:美军派双航母巡航南海,替菲律宾撑腰)



Foreign Media: the US sent two aircraft carriers cruising the South China Sea for the Philippines backed | | Diaoyu carrier _ news

Original title: foreign media: warn American sent two aircraft carriers cruising the South China Sea, China

The "global network of military reported on June 11" Korea published in the Chosun Ilbo, June 9 entitled beauty launches 4 aircraft-carrier battle groups to the South China Sea and IS war reports, US military intensify military actions in the South China Sea, deployed two carrier battle groups, for the Philippines to back them up meant so much obvious.

United States the Defense News Web site reported on the 7th, United States in the year 2012, after 4 years after waters all over the world start 4 carrier battle groups. Of the existence of a sovereignty dispute over the South China Sea between China and Southeast Asian countries and that it is against "Islamic State" organizations of the Eastern Mediterranean, are spending two carrier battle groups system will remain for some time. Due to budget cuts and other reasons, the United States after November 2012 started the carrier battle group has remained below the 3.

According to the reports, moored in Japan Yokosuka port, "Ronald Reagan" aircraft carrier set sail on 4th. United States, to protect the United States and the allies in the India Ocean, collective maritime interests in Asia and the Pacific, will enter the operational status.

According to Japan, the Sankei Shimbun reported said the 10th of this month, United States and Japan, and India, Japan Okinawa waters for joint military exercises. Japan maritime self defense force will participate in the US-India "Malabar" joint military exercises, of the existence of a sovereignty dispute over the Diaoyu Islands in China and Japan during the exercise in the region.

(Source: the global times)

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Diaoyu Island carriers

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外媒:美军派双航母巡航南海 替菲律宾撑腰|钓鱼岛|航母_新闻资讯

  原标题:外媒:美军派双航母巡航南海 对中国发出警告






责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

钓鱼岛 航母


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