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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/1 8:26:38 Edit(编辑)
Guyuan, Ningxia Hui autonomous region found large tombs of sui and Tang, the site is open to the public

Guyuan, Ningxia Hui autonomous region found large tombs of sui and Tang, the site is open to the public

Guyuan, Ningxia Hui autonomous region found large tombs of sui and Tang dynasties excavated site is open to the public | | tombs of sui and Tang _ archaeological excavation news

On June 30, the autonomous regional cultural relics and archaeology of yuanzhou district, guyuan city, southwest of Kai Cheng Wang Lao BA village and Kou Zhuang village at the junction of a large Tomb has been nearly half a month of drilling and excavation work. The burial tomb of 16 meters in diameter, and 1.3 m high; ramps over 30 metres in length. According to the shape of the tomb and the number of patio, you can determine the size of the tombs as much as I used to explore the large tombs of sui and Tang.

According to excavations in charge, State Institute of cultural relics had been drilled in 1998 to the tombs, was preliminarily determined a large tombs of sui and Tang. Because of natural and man-made factors, the Tomb has been destroyed. In June this year, approved by the State Bureau of cultural relics, Ningxia Institute of cultural relics and archaeology of the salvage excavations of the tombs.

From June 10, the tombs were drilled, drilling on the basis on June 18 on the archaeological excavations of ancient tombs. According to the current work to determine where the tomb for a long sloping ramps patio of Chamber Tomb, and guyuan-South plateau of sui and Tang dynasty Tomb found in the past. Current archaeological excavations haven't cleaned the burial chamber, but preliminary judgments, 5 patios. Archaeological team introduction, on the tombs of sui and Tang, yard number is often a symbol of status, rank, more prevalent in the Tang dynasty. It is possible to surmise that the Tomb owner was a certain social status. Unearthed in Ningxia in the past North Korea in the Sui and Tang tombs with a patio, patio low number 2, number 7.

Guyuan South Yuan area once archaeological found of North Korea Sui Tang big Tomb in the, Northern Zhou tombs has Lee Hyun-couples buried tomb, and Tahiro couples buried tomb, and nonfictional slammed Tomb; Sui Tang tombs has famous of from Central Asia of Sogdian people history's family cemetery, unearthed has gilt silver pot, and glass bowl Rome gold, and Sassanian silver, and East Rome gold, and gold reply surface, and Sapphire seal, many precious of heritage. Some human bone identified by physical anthropologists, in races on property in Western populations in the world wide group of Eurasians. Both artifacts unearthed in the epitaph, showed in guyuan District used to be the ancient Silk Road Town, Eastern and Western cultures in collision and communication has happened here.

According to the field in charge, the excavation is to protect cultural heritage, from further excavation damage deepened understanding of guyuan prefecture's ancient history and culture, correct understanding of guyuan region as an important part of the Silk Road for East-West cultural communication and Exchange history contribution hopes the excavation, for the tombs of sui and Tang dynasties and the Chinese and Western cultural exchanges in the South plateau provides exact detailed archaeological information.

Archaeological excavations in the past giving a "mysterious" feel, most of the site will be closed and banned outsiders from entering. This time archaeological excavations is different, to popularize public understanding of the archaeological work to raise public awareness of heritage protection, the site opened on every Friday afternoon for the public, local villagers and members of the public can enter the work site visits. Reporter yan Wen Xin Wen/map

(Original title: guyuan-South plateau found large tombs of sui and Tang)

15:14 on July 01, 2014 New news

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