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published in(发表于) 2016/6/10 9:35:02 Edit(编辑)
United States drinking water lead pollution: standard by cheating,

United States drinking water lead pollution: standard by cheating,(美国多地饮用水铅污染严重:靠作弊达标,)



United States more serious lead pollution in drinking water: cheating standards – drinking water, water pollution-IT information

United States lead contamination of drinking water problems are very common. Recent local media reports said, for a long time, many places "with" a variety of ways, cover up lead may exceed drinking water problems.

According to United States environmental protection agency data, United States, about 10 million families and some of the water supply of the building was made of lead. These lead water pipes or pipes, or by the main part of the pipeline for water pipes connected to the home.

United Kingdom the guardian according to 43 cities East of the Mississippi River water quality testing materials reported over the past 10 years, United States at least 33 cities may underestimate their drinking water lead pollution. These cities include Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Milwaukee and other cities throughout the country in 17 States.

Reported that, in order to make water quality testing standards, United States even high-risk families in some areas excluded from the sampling; in some cities, such as Philadelphia and Chicago, was devoted to require safety testing to the official drinking water at home; in Michigan and New Hampshire and other States and even below guidance in how to detect deliberate "lower" levels of lead.

For example, New Hampshire suggested that were detected as early as possible in the time allotted, if unqualified, would have time to sample again. Michigan Environmental Department official earlier said Rosenthal, at least more 5 sample. Or directly with high lead content test results. Other cities on security grounds, refuses to reveal the distribution of water supply pipes of lead.

United States scholar at the University of Virginia make·aidehuazi said the United States water quality in some cities is horrendous.

He said it is clear that fraud and lax enforcement of United States children caused unnecessary harm.

On June 2, Hagen·boerman of Philadelphia law firm submitted a class action lawsuit, claiming that the city's water quality testing "temporarily hide the" lead pollution, and city agencies on lead pollution risk household do not have adequate testing.

According to United States regulations, must conduct a water quality testing at least once every 3 years.

In General, water quality inspection departments will require households to collect samples. Reports that asked residents to collect samples, test and select which households will lead to water had a significant impact test results.

It was reported that some places will take many forms, to ensure that the lead content testing results compliance. Faucet before installing this includes access to the sample "before filtering", or to take out the filters on the front of the tap to achieve "smooth". Some places will also advise residents to obtain samples of "slowly to a bottle containing water" and so on.

The so-called "filter before" method, which gets the sample, first filter on the faucet, so as to reduce the lead content in water samples and the "open" method, is sampled before the front of the faucet filters removed, so that the water flows more smoothly, thereby reducing the concentration of lead molecules accumulate in the faucet filter.

Reportedly, although "former filter" and "smooth" law would have been considered to be problems, but the United States is still in widespread use in many parts of the above methods, and relevant departments of the regulation and could not keep up. United States Environmental Protection Agency would say only that is on the content of lead and copper in the water regulations amendments amendments expected completion date to 2017.

According to United States Federal safe drinking water Act, water supply systems and local administrative departments should monitor the lead content of drinking water in the home, if excessive levels of lead in a sample of 10%, the pipe cover must be assessed if not reduce the content of lead, it should be replaced every year 7% water supply pipes of lead.

Meanwhile, United States Federal safe drinking water Act requires replacement of lead water pipes in public buildings, part of lead water pipes in private buildings by private themselves.

In addition, the United States is not replace the national plan of water supply pipes of lead. United States water safety expert at the University of Virginia Yana·lanbulinduo said of the water sector in the country can't completely block lead pipes into the water.

美国多地饮用水铅污染严重:靠作弊达标 - 饮用水,水污染 - IT资讯

















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