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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/12/1 2:36:35 Edit(编辑)
Brazil was angry: Apple iTunes needed dollars,

Brazil was angry: Apple iTunes needed dollars,(巴西很生气:苹果iTunes竟需美元支付,)

Brazil was angry: Apple iTunes needs dollars to pay iTunes,iTunes-Apple, Apple, Brazil-IT information Brazil was angry: Apple iTunes needs dollars to pay

Brazil's official currency is the real (real), but from Apple's iTunes (Brazil) could see it at the front desk. Apple's iTunes pricing and pay the full $ led Brazil's consumer protection agency dissatisfaction, the Association sent a letter to Apple asked Apple to explain.

We don't know how long until Apple will respond, Apple iTunes, after all, two years ago in the Brazil market, but Apple is required to respond within ten days now, otherwise they will face the risk of fines.

The past, other countries also have disputes over Apple's pricing and payment policy, but most did not reach a settlement.


巴西很生气:苹果iTunes竟需美元支付 - 苹果iTunes,iTunes,苹果,巴西 - IT资讯





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