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published in(发表于) 2016/6/4 6:49:11 Edit(编辑)
2016 international quality report: Chinese upgrade “high quality“,

2016 international quality report: Chinese upgrade “high quality“,(2016国籍质量指数报告:中国国籍升级“高品质”,)



2016 international quality report: Chinese upgrade "high quality"-nationality, citizenship index-IT information

Switzerland consultant Henry with a partner in Zurich on June 2 release "2016 international quality index" report, China ranked 60th, belonging to the nationality of "high quality" country. Germany ranked 1th.

According to Switzerland, the Daily Herald reported on 3rd, this year's participating countries and regions a total of 182, 1th in Germany behind followed by Denmark, and Finland, and Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland (tie). United States ranks 28th, Japan is 30, Korea for 36. Lower-ranked countries, mostly in Africa and the Middle East. Bottom 5 are: Democratic Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic, Eritrea, the Sudan and Burundi.

Reports of Chinese nationality were classified as "high-quality" level 60. From 2012, the index increased from 68 consecutive Chinese nationality, its ranking rising on the grounds that the domestic economy continues to grow, visa-free countries more and more.

Gold Passport number and nationality mass index vary, the reference is more comprehensive, there are two main parts: intrinsic value, including economic and human development indicators (such as life expectancy, adult literacy) and external value, including permanent residence abroad of freedom and the freedom to travel abroad. The ranking of national quality index is divided into 4 levels: high quality, high quality, medium quality, low quality.

2016国籍质量指数报告:中国国籍升级“高品质” - 国籍,国籍指数 - IT资讯





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