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published in(发表于) 2016/6/3 9:40:57 Edit(编辑)
Apple accused of patent infringement, the Court ruled against the plaintiff,

Apple accused of patent infringement, the Court ruled against the plaintiff,(苹果被告专利侵权,法院判决原告败诉,)



Apple accused of patent infringement, the Court ruled against the plaintiff-patent litigation-IT information

Apple has made gratifying progress in patent prosecution, because the other side to sue Apple's patent was invalid. United States Patent and Trademark Office after a series of assessments, identified Smartflash LLC holds two data storage, management, access to the payments system solution-related patents invalid. Prior to this, Smartflash had used both of these patents to win Apple, which received a $ 533 million tickets out of the Court.

Smartflash holds two patents is found void, mainly United States Patent and Trademark Office, saying it is an abstract concept, and not a new invention. This also means that Apple this time without compensation of us $ 533 million.

Smartflash in 2013 at the earliest to appeal against Apple, which prosecution documents accusing Apple of violating their intellectual property rights held by the iTunes platform, and demand a compensation of us $ 852 million. February 2015, the United States District Court of Texas trial judgements in the case, Apple case, needs to pay the plaintiffs $ 533 million in compensation. However, by July 2015, Texas Court withdrew after Apple to pay $ 533 million judgment, but there was no change in Apple's decision, but re-evaluate the amount of compensation.

Although the Smartflash's patent was invalid, but they still have a chance to appeal again. Moreover, they can request to move the case to a higher court for trial.

苹果被告专利侵权,法院判决原告败诉 - 专利诉讼 - IT资讯

苹果在一起专利起诉案件中获得了令人欣喜的进展,因为对方用以起诉苹果的专利被判无效了。美国专利商标局在经过一系列评估之后,认定Smartflash LLC所持有的两项与数据储存、管理访问支付系统解决方案相关的专利作废。而在此之前,Smartflash曾经利用这两项专利打赢苹果,后者收到了法院开出的5.33亿美元罚单。




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