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published in(发表于) 2016/6/2 8:01:16 Edit(编辑)
Want to open up: India’s biggest mobile phone manufacturer Micromax into China next year,

Want to open up: India’s biggest mobile phone manufacturer Micromax into China next year,(要开挂:印度本土最大手机厂商Micromax明年杀入中国,)



Want to open up: India's biggest mobile phone manufacturer-Micromax Micromax next year into China, India, and smart phones-IT news

IT information news on June 2, currently fighting was the deadliest in the Smartphone industry, such as millet, Huawei has pulled all the stops, and now they're facing another powerful enemy.

According to the Wall Street Journal, India's biggest smartphone maker MicromaxInformatics said, the company plans to start selling phones in China from next year, listing within two years.

Micromax joint founder weikasi·guyin (VikasJain) said, company of target is in 2020 years Qian became by sales calculation of global fifth big intelligent machine manufacturer, such they on must into China compete for consumers, currently Micromax currently of months intelligent machine sales is slightly higher than 1 million Department, and now ranking global fifth big intelligent machine manufacturer of OPPO months sales is is 4 million Department, so also has not small of gap.

Micromax is India's second-largest smartphone maker, behind the first Samsung because Samsung and China manufacturers in India created more competition, so the Micromax shares fell.

Because of China's Smartphone market growth has stalled, and highly competitive, and I wonder if Micromax can survive here.

要开挂:印度本土最大手机厂商Micromax明年杀入中国 - Micromax,印度,智能手机 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月2日消息,目前国内智能手机行业的拼杀已经相当惨烈,小米、华为等都已经使劲浑身解数,现在他们又要面临另外一个强敌了。





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