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published in(发表于) 2016/6/2 8:00:35 Edit(编辑)
Meng Niu Niu gensheng, founder to join Gates ’ charitable organization: announcing naked donation,

Meng Niu Niu gensheng, founder to join Gates ’ charitable organization: announcing naked donation,(蒙牛创始人牛根生加入盖茨慈善组织:宣布裸捐,)



Meng Niu Niu gensheng, founder to join Gates ' charitable organization: Announces naked donation-Niu gensheng, naked donation-IT information

According to a Forbes report, Airbnb three founder, founder and founder of China mengniu dairy group and 12 other top tycoons in the world (or family) announced on Wednesday to join Bill Gates-Buffett-led "charitable donation pledge" (The Giving Pledge), officially became a charity "naked donation" of the new model.

Bill Gates and his wife Melinda in 2010 with "Warren" Warren Buffett founded the "charitable donation pledge" Organization, initiative, United States and the global super-rich can donate commitment of individuals most asset, that humans contribute to charity.

At present, the Organization has a total of 154 richest, around the world in 16 countries, including 17 on Wednesday officially announced the new members of the:

· Niu gensheng (China, founder of mengniu dairy group)

· Sylvan and Margaret Adams and his wife (Israel)

· Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz AlSaud (Saudi Arabia)

· Mrs Lynne and Marc Benioff (United States, founder)

· Elizabeth and Nathan Blecharczyk couple (United States, Airbnb, founder)

· Brian Chesky (United States, Airbnb, founder)

· Scott Cook and Mrs Signe Ostby (United States, Intuit founder and Director of eBay and cleaning companies)

· Jack and Laura Dangermond couple (United States, United States founder of environmental systems Research Institute)

· Henry Engelhardt, and Diane Briere de l'Isle-Engelhardt CBE, OBE and his wife (United Kingdom)

· Joe Gebbia (United States, Airbnb, founder)

· Lady Marion and Sir Tom Hunter and his wife (United Kingdom)

· Robert and Arlene Kogod couples (United States)

· Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw (India)

· Sobha Menon and PNC couple (U.A.E.)

· Gary k. Michelson, M.D. (United States)

· Mark Heising and Liz Simons couple (United States)

· Dr. Herbert and Nicole Wertheim couples (United States)

"This has just joined the ' charitable donation pledge ' counterparts in giving back to the community, and through charities on issues such as ways to help solve the world's most intractable challenges had incredible insight. "Bill Gates says," Although some of them have decades of experience in charity, and others in achieving commercial success began after the charity, but in any case, bold did they see it as an effective way to value. Buffett and Melinda, I can from them to have the opportunity to study and learn together can be thankful. ”

蒙牛创始人牛根生加入盖茨慈善组织:宣布裸捐 - 牛根生,裸捐 - IT资讯

据《福布斯》报道,Airbnb三位创始人、Salesforce.com创始人、中国蒙牛集团创始人及12位其他世界顶级富豪(或家族)于周三宣布加入比尔盖茨-巴菲特主导的“慈善捐赠誓约”(The Giving Pledge)组织,正式成为慈善“裸捐”的新榜样。




·Margaret及Sylvan Adams夫妇(以色列)

·Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz AlSaud王子(沙特阿拉伯)

·Lynne及Marc Benioff夫妇(美国,Salesforce.com创始人)

·Nathan及Elizabeth Blecharczyk夫妇(美国,Airbnb创始人)

·Brian Chesky(美国,Airbnb创始人)

·Scott Cook及Signe Ostby夫妇(美国,Intuit创始人兼eBay和保洁公司董事)

·Jack和Laura Dangermond夫妇(美国,美国环境系统研究所公司创始人)

·Henry Engelhardt, CBE及Diane Briere de l’Isle-Engelhardt, OBE夫妇(英国)

·Joe Gebbia(美国,Airbnb创始人)

·Sir Tom及Lady Marion Hunter夫妇(英国)

·Robert及Arlene Kogod夫妇(美国)

·Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw(印度)

·PNC及Sobha Menon夫妇(阿联酋)

·Gary K. Michelson, M.D.(美国)

·Liz Simons及Mark Heising夫妇(美国)

·Dr. Herbert及Nicole Wertheim夫妇(美国)


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