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published in(发表于) 2016/5/31 8:46:45 Edit(编辑)
Ministry: Jingdong, Tencent and Alibaba, millet and other complaints on black list

Ministry: Jingdong, Tencent and Alibaba, millet and other complaints on black list(中国工信部:阿里巴巴、小米、腾讯、京东等上服务投诉黑榜)



Ministry: Alibaba, millet, Tencent, Beijing East service complaints on the black list, such as Alibaba, millet, Jingdong-IT information

IT information news on May 30, a few days ago, the Ministry released the first quarter of 2016, notices relating to telecommunications services. Number of mobile resale business complaints, for example, Dr Peng as the complaint was not timely, Jingdong unfulfilled pledges, Ali unfulfilled pledges, HNA business that doesn't use snail exaggerated propaganda, remind of millet flow is not standard, potatoes of unknown charges.

Notice also showed that handled complaints of telecommunications services in the first quarter 21178, which charges dispute such complaints accounted for more than 34.7%, rose 8%, problems mainly related to the mobile Internet billing and fees; such complaints accounted for more than 23.7% of network quality, rose 4.4%, mainly related to broadband speeds not up, enterprises limited upstream speeds, and so on. User services such complaints accounted for more than 41.6% and fell 12.3%.

Spam reporting, first quarter, 12321 Internet and spam reporting reception center to accept valid SMS spam reporting 31,411 times, rose 49.4%, a decline of 27%.

中国工信部:阿里巴巴、小米腾讯、京东等上服务投诉黑榜 - 阿里巴巴,小米,京东 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 5月30日消息,日前,工信部发布了2016年第一季度电信服务有关情况通告。多家移动转售企业被投诉,例如,鹏博士为投诉处理不及时,京东未兑现服务承诺,阿里未兑现服务承诺,海航业务无法正常使用,蜗牛夸大宣传,小米流量提醒不规范,土豆不明扣费。



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