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published in(发表于) 2016/5/31 8:24:31 Edit(编辑)
Don’t miss out, mentougou, China red cherry show sweet temptation _ Sina news

Don’t miss out, mentougou, China red cherry show sweet temptation _ Sina news(别错过,中国门头沟大红樱桃尽显甜美诱惑_新浪新闻)



Don't miss out, mentougou, China red cherry sweet temptation _ show news

Original title: don't miss, mentougou red cherry show sweet temptation (11)

On May 28, mentougou District Committee propaganda Department, Wang Zhen, mentougou district people's Government jointly sponsored the third "sweet red cherry Wang Ping" cherry-picking Festival was officially opened. Picture shows the opening ceremony of Western peace drum performances. Qianlong net reporter Liu Yang photo

Qianlong mentougou, Beijing, May 30 (reporter Liu Yang) from mentougou District Committee propaganda Department, Wang Zhen, mentougou district people's Government jointly sponsored the third "sweet red cherry Wang Ping" cherry-picking Festival on May 28 in Wang Zhen Xi Zhuang village cherry garden officially opened.

Opening site, Wang Ping town Deputy Mayor Yong Zhong introduced, as suburb summer picked tour of destination one of, Wang Ping town this year launched three article tourism line, line covers Wang Ping town more at well-known attractions, both Shi Foling trail, and Ma Zhiyuan's House, humanities history landscape, also has jingxi 18 Tan, and Wang Ping wetland, landscape beautiful of natural landscape, not only so, formal cherry picked Park of open, both look, and full treat, meet public diverse of holiday needs.

This reporter has learned, Wang Zhen since 2003 developing cherry plantations, mainly in leek and Western Ma GE Zhuang village, plant area of 500 acres. Existing light, early fruit, Black Pearl, Centennial, dozens of excellent red cherry varieties. From late May to late June each year as optimal harvest time of cherries, in order to attract more tourists to come to pick, Wang Ping town government is increasing investment in infrastructure construction, combined with Wang Ping town rich historical and cultural resources, natural resources, promote rural tourism, led the villagers to get rich.

In addition, the concern is that in the May 28-June 5, Wang Zhen during the cherry picking, mentougou District Chief micro-letters "West Beijing mentougou" will send free cherry, 18 in the Western Lake for free tickets, farmhouse dining discounts and other online activities, and on the eve of children's day coming, recruiting parent-child families experience the fun of Wang Zhen cherry picking. Huimin depression, through a series of measures to attract more tourists to come to Wang picked to play.

On May 28, mentougou District Committee propaganda Department, Wang Zhen, mentougou district people's Government jointly sponsored the third "sweet red cherry Wang Ping" cherry-picking Festival was officially opened. Wang Ping, the Mayor, ' Michael Zhu, mentougou district for the opening ceremony. Qianlong net reporter Liu Yang photo
On May 28, mentougou District Committee propaganda Department, Wang Zhen, mentougou district people's Government jointly sponsored the third "sweet red cherry Wang Ping" cherry-picking Festival was officially opened. Introduced Vice Mayor Yong Zhong Wang Zhen, Wang Ping town, mentougou district summer tourist routes. Qianlong net reporter Liu Yang photo
On May 28, mentougou District Committee propaganda Department, Wang Zhen, mentougou district people's Government jointly sponsored the third "sweet red cherry Wang Ping" cherry-picking Festival was officially opened. Pictured in Cherry garden, a child in the mother's help picking cherries. Qianlong net reporter Liu Yang photo
On May 28, mentougou District Committee propaganda Department, Wang Zhen, mentougou district people's Government jointly sponsored the third "sweet red cherry Wang Ping" cherry-picking Festival was officially opened. For visitors to take photos in the cherry garden. Qianlong net reporter Liu Yang photo
On May 28, mentougou District Committee propaganda Department, Wang Zhen, mentougou district people's Government jointly sponsored the third "sweet red cherry Wang Ping" cherry-picking Festival was officially opened. Tropical garden in Cherry-picking for tourists. Qianlong net reporter Liu Yang photo
On May 28, mentougou District Committee propaganda Department, Wang Zhen, mentougou district people's Government jointly sponsored the third "sweet red cherry Wang Ping" cherry-picking Festival was officially opened. Figure for a child and mother share the fruits of his harvest. Qianlong net reporter Liu Yang photo
On May 28, mentougou District Committee propaganda Department, Wang Zhen, mentougou district people's Government jointly sponsored the third "sweet red cherry Wang Ping" cherry-picking Festival was officially opened. Picture shows a child in Cherry garden experience the fun of cherry picking. Qianlong net reporter Liu Yang photo
On May 28, mentougou District Committee propaganda Department, Wang Zhen, mentougou district people's Government jointly sponsored the third "sweet red cherry Wang Ping" cherry-picking Festival was officially opened. A corner of the figure as a wetland of mentougou district, Wang Ping. Qianlong net reporter Liu Yang photo
On May 28, mentougou District Committee propaganda Department, Wang Zhen, mentougou district people's Government jointly sponsored the third "sweet red cherry Wang Ping" cherry-picking Festival was officially opened. Wang Zhen 18 in the Western Lake scenic landscapes. Qianlong net reporter Liu Yang photo
On May 28, mentougou District Committee propaganda Department, Wang Zhen, mentougou district people's Government jointly sponsored the third "sweet red cherry Wang Ping" cherry-picking Festival was officially opened. Wang Zhen Tan body, 18 in the Western hills scenic area of the House. Qianlong net reporter Liu Yang photo

Source: Qianlong

Responsible editor: Zhao akei

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  5月28日,由门头沟区委宣传部、门头沟区王平镇人民政府联合发起的第三届“大红樱桃 甜美王平”樱桃采摘节活动正式开幕。图为开幕式上的京西太平鼓表演。千龙网记者 刘阳摄

  千龙网北京门头沟5月30日讯(记者 刘阳)由门头沟区委宣传部、门头沟区王平镇人民政府联合发起的第三届“大红樱桃 甜美王平”樱桃采摘节活动于5月28日在王平镇西马各庄村樱桃风情园正式开幕。




  5月28日,由门头沟区委宣传部、门头沟区王平镇人民政府联合发起的第三届“大红樱桃 甜美王平”樱桃采摘节活动正式开幕。图为门头沟区王平镇镇长朱凯为开幕式致辞。千龙网记者 刘阳摄
  5月28日,由门头沟区委宣传部、门头沟区王平镇人民政府联合发起的第三届“大红樱桃 甜美王平”樱桃采摘节活动正式开幕。图为门头沟区王平镇副镇长钟勇介绍王平镇夏日旅游线路。千龙网记者 刘阳摄
  5月28日,由门头沟区委宣传部、门头沟区王平镇人民政府联合发起的第三届“大红樱桃 甜美王平”樱桃采摘节活动正式开幕。图为在樱桃风情园内,一位小朋友在妈妈的帮助下采摘樱桃。千龙网记者 刘阳摄
  5月28日,由门头沟区委宣传部、门头沟区王平镇人民政府联合发起的第三届“大红樱桃 甜美王平”樱桃采摘节活动正式开幕。图为游人在樱桃风情园内拍照。千龙网记者 刘阳摄
  5月28日,由门头沟区委宣传部、门头沟区王平镇人民政府联合发起的第三届“大红樱桃 甜美王平”樱桃采摘节活动正式开幕。图为游人在樱桃风情园采摘。千龙网记者 刘阳摄
  5月28日,由门头沟区委宣传部、门头沟区王平镇人民政府联合发起的第三届“大红樱桃 甜美王平”樱桃采摘节活动正式开幕。图为一位小朋友在和妈妈分享他的采摘成果。千龙网记者 刘阳摄
  5月28日,由门头沟区委宣传部、门头沟区王平镇人民政府联合发起的第三届“大红樱桃 甜美王平”樱桃采摘节活动正式开幕。图为一位小朋友在樱桃风情园体验樱桃采摘的乐趣。千龙网记者 刘阳摄
  5月28日,由门头沟区委宣传部、门头沟区王平镇人民政府联合发起的第三届“大红樱桃 甜美王平”樱桃采摘节活动正式开幕。图为门头沟区王平湿地一角。千龙网记者 刘阳摄
  5月28日,由门头沟区委宣传部、门头沟区王平镇人民政府联合发起的第三届“大红樱桃 甜美王平”樱桃采摘节活动正式开幕。图为王平镇京西十八潭景区内风景。千龙网记者 刘阳摄
  5月28日,由门头沟区委宣传部、门头沟区王平镇人民政府联合发起的第三届“大红樱桃 甜美王平”樱桃采摘节活动正式开幕。图为王平镇京西十八潭内养身山吧景区的木屋。千龙网记者 刘阳摄




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