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published in(发表于) 2016/5/22 7:56:50 Edit(编辑)
Lei will clarify again “stands in a draught, and pigs might fly“: from the art of war,

Lei will clarify again “stands in a draught, and pigs might fly“: from the art of war,(雷军再次澄清“站在风口上,猪都会飞”:源自孙子兵法,)



Lei will clarify again "station on the air, pigs will fly": from the art of war-flying pig theory, Lei, the art of war-IT information

IT information news Lei had proposed had "fly pig theory", mean is "station in outlet Shang, pig will fly", this in venture circle was widely spread, even appeared "wind stopped has, fly with of pig on fell died has" of spoof, including Ma had think "pig touch prevailed also will fly, but wind past fell died of also is pig, because you also is pig. "Lei explained on Twitter again today," flying pigs "theory essence of homeopathy for inspired art.

Lei micro-blog says:

Standing in a draught, and pigs might fly. I quote the word is to describe the essence of success is to find the outlet, homeopathy for .

Potential from the ? the Energy chapter of the art, "so the fighting potential of the people, such as turning round rock in maninsan mountain, potential", which means, good command of war created by the people of "power", like boulders rolled down from the extremely high and steep mountains, ferocious.

Don't know if all IT information users the ability to understand Lei "flying pigs" theory of truth?

Recommended reading:

Outlet, Lei "flying pigs" theory is bad

雷军再次澄清“站在风口上,猪都会飞”:源自孙子兵法 - 飞猪理论,雷军,孙子兵法 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 雷军曾提出过“飞猪理论”,意思是“站在风口上,猪都会飞”,这在创业圈内被广泛流传,甚至出现“风停了,飞着的猪就摔死了”的恶搞,包括马云曾认为“猪碰上风也会飞,但是风过去摔死的还是猪,因为你还是猪。”雷军今天再次在微博上解释,“飞猪理论”本质是顺势而为,灵感源自孙子兵法。







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