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published in(发表于) 2016/5/22 7:56:28 Edit(编辑)
Chinese programmers to pay really high? ,

Chinese programmers to pay really high? ,(中国程序员们的工资真的很高?,)



Chinese programmers to pay really high? -Programmer, code-IT information

Mention the Internet, especially Internet engineers, people tend to think of two words: "high salary" and "high voltage". Asked engineer salaries in the know problem, one friend replied: "actually paid per unit of time is not high," and that may be what many programmers partners voices.

"Spirit crash of a initially signs is firmly believes that himself of work very very important", Luo pigment of this sentence words in Internet venture tide are XING of now seems may some threw cold water on, but may wish to to see engineers are of so-called high income behind real of story: from January 2015 has of real data, combined platform job candidates of interview, for you restore real of Internet industry salary and satisfaction degrees status. You will learn to: top paid in which technology? Which industry out salaries for engineers the most profitable? Treatment of male and female Internet people how big is the gap? Engineer salary ratio does not exactly satisfy?

1, vs field, which is the key to engineers salary?

"Time is money" this thing, placed in the work experience is particularly reasonable. So engineers extra experience but how much?

Data show that 3-4 years experience job search engineers with an average annual salary of about 2 years and the following work experience engineer 1.8 times. 5 years or above work experience of engineer 3-4 years experience average annual salary for engineers about 1.2 times. In addition, 3 years or above work experience of practitioners to interview invitation twice times the average for 3 years experience of practitioners. It seems that both offer 2 years work experience for both quality and quantity are road snag, so young people, loneliness, well-grounded, don't miss the "muffled a fortune."

In addition to work experience, after 100offer's payroll report also showed different correlation between salary and experience of technical personnel is different: the same is a two-year work experience, average salaries below the front and rear of the moving end. But the 2-4 phase, mobile pay by leaps and bounds, and front and rear remain flat. We pay to different areas of technology job seekers for analysis and comparison:

For front-end and mobile engineer, 0-2 years of experience engineer's annual salary at around 240,000, and candidates on average were 5 years or above work experience of candidates earning about 60,000. In addition, although the "market" displays the front-end engineers are still in short supply, but in terms of salaries and no obvious advantage of a seller's market.

As far as the back-end, there not being relevant, work experience and wages: Node.js, and Scala and Ruby have been 3-4 years working experience on average earn less than 0-2 years of experience of a candidate. In the study of the original data, it was found, although there 0-2 years experience higher annual salary of the candidate, but results and such a small sample size, have to say that Java, demand for common back-end languages such as PHP is still subject of market demand.

2, the Internet industry, engineers are paid less than other areas more height?

Although on the Lakes "wages but to develop" legend, but according to 100offer, also has more than two years of work experience, product class annual salary of the candidate development candidates in the area of up to 10,000 yuan, while operating payroll in the bottom position of the candidate in the field.

3, Internet, take 30,000 women a year, on average less than men:

Inequality between men and women in the workplace is "cliché" Internet spirit seems to be not able to resolve the issue: whether in the field of design, development, or operation, the average salary for male practitioners on the Internet about 30,000 higher than women. At present, there are some influential women business support institutions or development platform, but the income gap will freeze.

4, 2015-2016, two years what happened to the job market?

The 2015 based on the table 2-April 2016 2 April 100offer data on the platform. Overall, Go engineer, engineer Scala, Python engineer C/C++ engineer and holds a lead development candidate income. Within one year of salary increases significantly the engineer is Node.js, iOS and Javascript engineer. Python engineer, PHP engineers and front-end engineers, three positions salaries drop, not rise.

5, programmers, to which city is most popular?

North Canton zhaduier deep: Internet companies and talent, but Zhuhai has nearly 300,000 average salary rise ahead of Shanghai, Hangzhou and Shenzhen. However, the programmer friends may wish to look longer, although the foreign Moon is not always round, but Singapore gives an average of 450,000 annual salary was quite attractive.

7, in any case, the healthcare industry is one of the Internet's largest "Gold master"

Despite recent health of the relationship between industry and the Internet, but have to say that the medical industry for higher salary levels for the Internet industry as a whole to make a larger contribution. However, we also compared data in 2015 and 2016, find Internet medical industry pay scales also showed a declining trend (figure below). Overall, mobile Internet, e-commerce and the Internet more stable financial performance.

8, d company of the most generous

In General, companies pay and its stage was positively related, but data shows that d company offered an average salary more than the listed companies. But this is not surprising, in preparation for the enlarged enrollment prior to listing the survival amid d round top to recruiting and HR will considerably more generous.

9, programmers high wages? They do not think so

Go back to the original problem: Internet engineers pay really high? Or, input-output ratio of height? By 100offer in different positions, different experience and users in the area of communication, we find that engineers are the average working week in 51 hours, average working hours was 10.2 hours per day, not including overtime. But it is slightly ironic, engineers believe that average effective working hours of each day (Note: valid for the progress of the project and their own development) about 6.1 hours. In the course of investigation, even a buddy says a job on the effective working time of 0-1 hours a day ... ... Just after passing the effective working time, engineers considered:

In addition, engineers for the satisfaction of the input-output ratio of income of about 3.77 (out of 5 minutes, the same below), and satisfaction with work/life balance to 3.61, below are some views:

Beijing's recent intelligent sleep technology Sleepace enjoys sleeping 2016 released jointly with the iResearch China Internet employees sleep report shows that Internet employees average overtime per week of 1.6 days, 66.7% Internet employees often work overtime, 81.4% of the poor sleep quality. In addition, 47.9% BAT staff think that working pressure, average 38% above the others.

"Why do you work? "To address this problem, a 80% engineer interviewed indicated that:" in order to make money/living/family ". They believe that although valued life balance and personal development, but wages remained the primary factor influencing their career choice .

What kind of salary can meet their needs?

中国程序员们的工资真的很高? - 程序员,码农 - IT资讯



























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