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published in(发表于) 2016/5/20 5:47:35 Edit(编辑)
Sohu Vice President Fu Hu confirmed their separation,

Sohu Vice President Fu Hu confirmed their separation,(搜狐副总裁曾伏虎确认将离职,)



Sohu Vice President Fu Hu confirmed their departure-Sohu, Fu Hu-IT information

IT information news on May 20, Vice President, General Manager of Sohu Sohu network v Tiger from Sohu's departure.

Sohu today released its internal mail, announced General Manager Shen Bin real estate will continue to serve as the focus, appointed Hu Xiaoying as Deputy General Manager of the family-friendly focus, CTO Wang Yunfeng focus will continue to be responsible for product technology, three reports to the Sohu CFO Yu Chuyuan.

About Tiger's future, he himself is not clear, only expressed its readiness to do some interesting things

Statistics show that Fu Hu joined in 1999, Sohu, successive Sohu Sohu News Director, Director of business development. In 2006, leaving Sohu, as TOM Online Internet Division General Manager.

In 2009, Sohu, the Tiger returned, as Sohu Network General Manager. February 2014, Sohu through internal mail Executive promotion notices, Fu Hu was promoted for outstanding performance: by the Senior Director, was promoted to Vice President.

搜狐副总裁曾伏虎确认将离职 - 搜狐,曾伏虎 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 5月20日消息,搜狐网络副总裁、搜狐焦点总经理曾伏虎将从搜狐离职。





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