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published in(发表于) 2016/3/25 9:19:48 Edit(编辑)
Boys applying for micro-circle of friends was the interviewer looked,

Boys applying for micro-circle of friends was the interviewer looked,(小伙应聘遭面试官翻看微信朋友圈,)



Boy candidates were the interviewer looked at micro-circle of friends-privacy, friends, interviews-IT information

A few days ago, little yin was born in 1992 to technology companies interview on copywriting, Kaixuan road, back home in his circle of friends has released his wonderful interview experience. "During the interview process, boss took my cell phone through my circle of friends and the public accounts! This is not a violation of my privacy? "Lawyers say that the interviewer this slight invasion of privacy, at the same time, candidates have the right to not choose this job.

Smoking the interviewer asked his views on smoking

Small Yin told the young reporter on the Internet called for interview after he prescribed time 22nd 1:30 P.M. arrive at the company until two and a half points was able to come in for an interview, the entire interview process lasted for nearly 2 hours.

"The interview is the last name of my boss at that time, Operations Manager was also present. Total asked me recently what's great concern, I answer the phone new products and property market. And he answered and said, we care about hot Papi sauce together with Liu Shi Shi and Nicky Wu's wedding. "Small said during the interview, the General Manager kept on dropping problems, such as the old man fell down can you help, you think of overtime, alien, views on smoking, etc.

He recalls that the total kept smoking in the interview, also asked me "opinion about smoking"?

"I myself do not smoke. "Little Yin replied.

"Nobody cares if you didn't smoke. "What is the total answer, make him feel uncomfortable.

Then, what is the total small YIN asked views on overtime. Little Yin replied "I'm up to six days a week." What always said he did not deal with personal and working relationships.

Hearing this, Xiao-yan's resentment was aggravated.

Being "tougher" take away phone candidates feel personal privacy was violated

According to Xiao Yin introduced, what always check later he installed mobile phone APP. He immediately answered "nothing to see here". Later, the total raised by his concern about the public accounts and friends, homeopathy took his turn and look.

"I was stunned, I didn't expect to have such a, as the interview was at a disadvantage, I don't know how to say no to him. "Small yin, the" I was pained, managers keep staring at Mister Wong at the beginning, kept rubbing the Palm. ”

"It can be said that he was ' mandatory ' view my personal information. I didn't think about it, but the heart is rejected. "Little Yin revealed that back, he just friends posted about the wonderful interviewing experience and intend to what had happened on directly on the Web. But due to technical reasons, not finally post it.

Day, small Yin on received has the company HR Zhu Miss sent to of mail, said: "after company of integrated consider and overall measure, very regrets to notification you, you of situation and candidates of company post needs not too anastomosis, given you in interview in the of performance, we has will you of resume into I company of talent reserves library......"

"Received the message, my mind was: was rejected. I find it hard to imagine that in this respect for the company. Later encounter a similar situation, I would simply refuse to. "Little said.

(Corporate HR)

Possible candidates lost the only negative "exposure"

Yesterday, the youth daily sum of attempts to reach the company's Manager, but the two sides are not included in the seat. Subsequently, the youth daily reporter found the company HR Miss Zhu, at first, she was very surprised, "as Internet companies, we will look at candidates on the use of APP, many candidates will also work on the phone, show us. ”

However, after verification, Zhu acknowledged that executives did see small yin's cell phone. "But certainly quite agree, according to common sense reasoning, if you do not agree, little Yin can refuse. I believe that the boss was not such a person. We are not a small company, the boss is a very optimistic person, and will not knowingly suppress employees. "She thinks, maybe small yin have very great expectations for the job, lost the only disgruntled. Smoking is also hoping for a relaxed atmosphere during an interview, is a personal habit. She stressed that "out of respect for privacy, the boss will not make unreasonable demands, after all, highly educated people. ”


As minor violations of privacy

Shanghai Shen Hao, lawyer, law firm partner Zhang yuxia said if true, it really belongs to the Privacy Act, but the degree should be considered minor.

In counsel's view, interviewee and interviewer are preparing workers and employer relations. Secondly, while setting, some interviewers are preferred. If you do not reach the level of a personal attack, the candidate should have a more open mind candidates. Don't like the boss can choose not to do the job.

小伙应聘遭面试官翻看微信朋友圈 - 隐私,朋友圈,面试 - IT资讯
























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