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published in(发表于) 2016/5/18 5:47:32 Edit(编辑)
Xueba, Sichuan University dormitory: 5 people received at least 16 schools admission,

Xueba, Sichuan University dormitory: 5 people received at least 16 schools admission,(四川大学学霸宿舍:5人收到至少16份名校录取通知书,)



Sichuan University PA quarters: 5 people received at least 16 school admission notice-Sichuan University, xueba, notice-IT information

Wu yuzhang School of Sichuan University "Eastern 5,236" xueba bedrooms, 4 out of 5 people who received notice of acceptance from the top 30 colleges and universities across the United States, and another walk to Nanjing University.

Once, college entrance examination entrance bridge known as students. Now from the pass rate, this "bridge" has given way to grind.

However, a bedroom and 5 all advanced, or rise into the top universities in China or abroad universities of other countries, there are not many believe.

They are Wu yuzhang School of Sichuan University students, from the "East 5,236" xueba bedroom. 4 out of 5 people who received notice of acceptance from the top 30 colleges and universities across the United States, and another walk to Nanjing University sociology studies.

The morning of May 16, Zhao Shengfu United States Consulate General in Chengdu to handle visa, University of Southern California to study patterns are about to open.

Xueba Room 5 people received at least 16 schools offer. Gold is not also get United States University of Michigan, Boston College, Washington University in St Louis and other 6 prestigious mathematics and finance professionals admission, eventually he chose John Hopkins University applied mathematics and statistics.

Liu Fanghao was admitted to the master of science in mathematics from New York University, Zhao Shengfu 4 from Worcester Polytechnic University has been selected by old-school materials science at the University of Southern California, Du Yifan declined the Colombia offer the choice of 3 universities such as Carnegie Mellon University fluid mechanics professional, Dong Fangjie gave the Hong Kong University of science and technology, the choice to Nanjing University.

Maybe for them, admitted to universities for further study is not difficult, in the midst of a bunch of school choice is in a quandary.

Xueba trick

He is a black belt in Tae kwon do not lose him on the piano majors

Went to the xueba dormitory, the first feeling is messy. Various suitcases, desks and dormitory crowded narrow brim. Winter clothes hanging on the edge of winter quilt on the bed.

"From the first six floors are like that, never mind. "Long Dong Fangjie self-deprecating way, his roommate's attitude is laissez-faire, that no one volunteered to clean the room, so the the way I am. Only a "pure land", is up against the wall, the bookcase, which is 5 people used a variety of books, just like a mini library.

This was their second year with the bedroom. Junior at the time, Wu yuzhang, the College moved from dormitory to wangjiang campus, five of them hobby interests, free combination of the dormitory now. They don't smoke, don't drink, biggest pastime is doing a bunch of cheesy "foodie".

Originally believing that xueba in addition to the books or books. But not, the quarters of five students special skills.

Gold did not expect of guys, he majored in mathematics and using mathematics, not knowing that gold was not on the first day when the ten levels of the piano. He is very fond of Chopin's music, is the most famous of the Waltz. Freshman learning pressure on big, and he is most proud of decompression is "slipped into" the University play in the piano room, sometimes spending one or two hours in the piano room, as collaborators in no way worse than the majors, he has not been questioned.

Zhao Shengfu burly, basketball's no slouch, he formed the Wu yuzhang, the basketball team, and Captain, was awarded the "Gao Cai Cup" undergraduate champion. Liu Fanghao's black belt in Tae kwon do has reached the second level, but are fluent in Japanese, German, Spain also reached a high level. Long Dong Fangjie love ride he had freshman summer, spent 1 month ride from Chengdu to Lhasa.

University life

Evening learning time to fall in love

The five xueba, college life was not easy, "6:30 A.M. get up, until you learn to 11:30 the lights back to the bedroom. "Liu Fanghao said, they often spend more than 10 hours in the library, if you're hungry, to a nearby store to buy some snacks, and then continue reading, study pressure no younger than high school. Perhaps the "chain" xueba "Samadhi fires."

From 2012 to 2015, the gold was not served long Wu yuzhang school grades, his professional first every year. Application for United States schools abandoned Colombia University, chose John Hopkins University mathematics and statistics. Said Kim, Colombia University more famous, but he's more interested in Johns Hopkins University studies in the mathematical theory to provide conditions for his future research would be more useful.

Students the envy of, xueba study, can also fall in love. According to Dong Fangjie said, once he was invited to join the school English speech contest, because there are other things that are unable to attend and entrusted Du Yifan help instead. Sat next to the girl, now a Du Yifan girlfriend girls attending West China Stomatology, also xueba, two people have to meet United States bye.

Eat the world

Worried about the cafeteria to see our

"Study on setback do? "" Have a meal! ”

"Have fun things to do? "" Have a meal! ”

When it comes to eating, xueba began to open "up." They like to eat Japan sushi city sushi buffet is where they frequented, "at the end, the waiter saw us worried. "Dong Fangjie said, because they five a people too can eat has, sushi shop began to they added dish also is quickly of, two hours Hou, next of guest for has several dial has, they also in leisurely to eat, so added dish of speed increasingly slow, they often from at 6 o'clock in the afternoon began has been eat to restaurant closed, real reached has" helped with wall in, helped with wall out "of degree. "Once a waitress the last straw, said to us, ' you guys don't you eat? ’”

Sushi buffet "shut out", they turned to a hot pot restaurants, because they were all outsiders, acceptance of Peppers is not high, their favorite flavor is tomato soup, often ate vegetables and soup. "We saw the waiter soup turned increasingly ugly, eating in the end, pot of soup is basically gone." Liu Fanghao said.

They also claimed that, Du Yifan does not look fat, but he is definitely the standard cargo. There is a KFC event, he ate 11 sucking chicken flavor, also to McDonald's for a big Mac, out of fast-food restaurants less than 20 minutes to touch the belly: "I think you can drink a bowl of hoof soup. ”

Friendship boats

GRE exam is too hard to understand how are roommates when the teacher

The five people, Zhao Shengfu "rising star". "After my ranking basically 5, never took the first place. "Xueba and partner, Zhao Shengfu confidence not so full.

Junior at the time, encouraged by Zhao Shengfu roommates decided to go abroad for further study. In order to get a good TOEFL score, and he did three times. He said there have been giving up the idea, and even cried, when it, roommate a few buddies will be in fierce pounding on his shoulder a few times: "go, go out and have a meal! ”

Dong Fangjie said that boys do not need too sentimental, brothers in a bad mood when I can't tell him: "you have to come on! "The real concern is real actions.

Zhao Shengfu ready to test GRE because GRE reading requirements very high, but Zhao Shengfu said he does not understand, particularly complex sentence is a headache. At this time, Du Yifan will help him to explain, he confirms the sentence. Du Yifan also helped him make a detailed plan for the review, how each stage should review important points should be how to deal with and so on. Eventually, Zhao Shengfu enrolled in materials science at the University of Southern California.

川大学霸宿舍:5人收到至少16份名校录取通知书 - 四川大学,学霸,通知书 - IT资讯



































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