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published in(发表于) 2016/5/18 5:46:48 Edit(编辑)
Germany old man startling discovery: remnants of Hitler’s bombs hidden in here,

Germany old man startling discovery: remnants of Hitler’s bombs hidden in here,(德国老人惊人发现:希特勒遗留核弹藏在这里,)



Germany old man startling discovery: remnants of Hitler's bomb-bomb hidden in here, Hitler-IT information

According to the United Kingdom, the daily mail reported on May 17, Germany's retired bide·luoer (Peter Lohr) said that in Germany Adolf Hitler was found in a tunnel in the middle of 5 large metal left over from the material, which contains at least 2 atomic bombs.

Atenolol is a mechanical engineer before his retirement the age of 70. According to his analysis, and in Germany Thuringia (Thuringia State) Jonas Valley (Jonas Valley) at least 2 atomic bombs, and these weapons of mass destruction was made by at the end of World War II by the Nazis. 3D radar, Ringling has confirmed the existence of these bombs, and warned that this could lead to a nuclear disaster. He said, "these weapons placed here for 71 years, decaying to a certain extent, may create a second Chernobyl nuclear reactor explosion. ”

End of World War II, the Genesee Valley Center was a secret military base, thousands of prisoners were forced to dig a tunnel. The use of this tunnel is not known, because it is not finished. This underground tunnel system stretches for thousands of meters, there are thousands of caves, bunkers and storage room. The spring of 1945, American troops liberated the Genesee Valley. United States official encryption 1945 of Ohrdruf in Thuringia all files, these files are published in at least 100 years before it. This is not the first remnants of Nazi bombs on the rumors.

Last year, a document encrypted records show that the US and Russia are revealed, when the Nazis nearing completion of manufacturing weapons of mass destruction.

德国老人惊人发现:希特勒遗留核弹藏在这里 - 核弹,希特勒 - IT资讯

据英国《每日邮报》5月17日报道,德国的退休人员彼得·洛尔(Peter Lohr)称,在德国中部一条隧道中发现了阿道夫·希特勒遗留下的5枚大型金属物质,其中至少含有2枚原子弹。

70岁的洛尔退休前是机械设备工程师。据他分析,在德国图林根州(Thuringia state)的乔纳斯山谷(Jonas Valley)发现至少2枚原子弹,并确定这些大规模杀伤性武器是在第二次世界大战末期由纳粹制造出来。运用3d雷达技术,洛尔证实了这些原子弹的存在,并警告这可能会引发核灾难。他说“这些武器在这里放置了71年了,在腐朽到一定程度后,也许会造成第二个切尔诺贝利核反应堆爆炸事件。”



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