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published in(发表于) 2016/5/18 5:46:41 Edit(编辑)
First-quarter net income of $ 12.7 million, theology, theology, rose 8%,

First-quarter net income of $ 12.7 million, theology, theology, rose 8%,(第一季度净利1270万美元,陌陌股价大涨8%,)



First-quarter net income of $ 12.7 million, in theology, theology, shares 8%-unit, Mo Mo-IT information

IT information news on May 18, Mo Mo 2016 Q1 earnings released yesterday show, the company's first-quarter net sales of $ 50.9 million, an increase of 93% and net profits of $ 12.7 million, an increase of 35%.

Positive earnings, Mo Mo said Tuesday it closed at $ 12.99, US $ 0.98 per cent, 8.16% per cent, yesterday and almost the biggest gains in the shares of a stock.

Yesterday's market decline, the Nasdaq composite index at 4715.73 points, fell 59.73 points, or 1.25%; the Dow Jones industrial average was at 17529.98, dropped 180.73 points, down to 1.02%.

Stocks were mixed in half and dangdang, rose 3.39%, Jing dong rose 2.18%, Baidu rose 1.83%, NetEase rose 1.16%, SINA micro-blog-2.17%, gather age-1.64%.

第一季度净利1270万美元,陌陌股价大涨8% - 中概股,陌陌 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 5月18日消息,陌陌公司昨日公布的2016年Q1财报显示,该公司在第一季度净营收5090万美元,同比增长93%,净利润1270万美元,同比增长35%。




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