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published in(发表于) 2016/5/17 9:07:57 Edit(编辑)
Li Shishi back battle AlphaGo: human and computers can have a spell,

Li Shishi back battle AlphaGo: human and computers can have a spell,(李世石回首大战AlphaGo:人类与电脑还能有一拼,)



Li Shishi back battle AlphaGo: human and computers can have a spell-Li Shishi, AlphaGo, go-IT information

On May 15, the Henan Asia-Pacific chess club was formed, as an important member of the Club, after 1:4 to "Alpha-go" Korea name is Li Shishi in talking about "man-machine war", said that as of right now, humans also had a spell with your computer.

"The limitation of the human is reflected in the physical and psychological aspects of people, after all, people have emotions, when physically tired, but judging from the comparison of the two, people have intuition, a sense of chess, so for the moment, people and computers to play chess, there is a fight. "Li Shishi said.

To attend the inaugural ceremony of the Chinese Weiqi Association President Wang RunAn is thought, on the go, who eventually lost to artificial intelligence.

"Computer has powerful of support system, has found science of path to against human players, original we also thought artificial intelligence didn't approach solution this problem, now seems it has found has principle and path, it day can simulation hundreds of thousands of, and millions of disc chess, Xia finished also can summary, so short-term wife also can against about, but I'm afraid eventually people is lane but it of, after all any a players are is a people of intelligence. "Said Wang RunAn.

It is understood that in 2015 cities League in the country, with foreign aid Li Shishi, China Super blue team unfortunately degraded, Henan Asia-Pacific accounting firm "man" bought China Blue team. This year, Li Shishi representatives, Henan Chess Club to participate in the national Chess Championship (teams) men's group b-level competition, and aim at the Red Armor.

李世石回首大战AlphaGo:人类与电脑还能有一拼 - 李世石,AlphaGo,围棋 - IT资讯






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